Here's two examples of what I mean. See that visible break in checker texture going diagonally from one corner to another?
And on another example two straight lines (texture) are distorted awfully within a single face boundaries.. Of course I could fix this by supporting those texture lines adding extra edges right on them but that would increase poly count and would.. umm uglify my clean mesh.
How could I possibly fix this?! Thanks!
Can you show a few more images, of your painted maps and UV's ?
I don't see something special here
The distortion is probably due to that polygon being a perfect rectangle, but the UVs for it are part of a UV island it in such a way where it is forced into being slightly trapezoidal. This is pretty common with cylindrical shapes whose UV shells you want to keep connected.
If perhaps you triangulate that quad and flip the triangle edge, it may help but not resolve the issue. If you want a perfectly undistorted UV for that section then you will have to separate the entire ring of polygons and lay it out as a horizontal strip (with a seam on one edge) rather than a continuous circle (which causes bending and therefore non-rectangular shapes).