So I converted a normal map to a cavity map using ndo2. But Marmoset doesnt like cavity maps that have 50% grey as the mid value and white/black for the curves/cavities. How do i fix this?
Tweak midtones and invert the map? Shouldn't be too hard to fix, I imagine. You can also try Normal>Cavity tool inside Xnormal, see if that's something you can work with.
nDo cavity maps are more like edge highlights... Marmoset expects basically a finer detail AO map. I don't know why they are named the same thing. You'll want to bake a cavity map in xnormal or similar.
Toolbag expects cavity maps to contain only cavity information. Cavity maps that have both cavity information and edge highlights (convexity) aren't actually cavity maps, but rather more like curvature maps packed into grayscale (curvature maps usually pack concavity and convexity into separate channels).
Knald is great for separating the concave and convex maps so you don't end up with the grayscale cavity maps. I will typically multiply the cavity map over my AO and plug that into Marmosets AO slot.
This thread explains the differences in more detail:
And this post explains how to convert the content: