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The Order Combo Rifle

polycounter lvl 4
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Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
Heya folks,

Just got done with a project! This was a noob challenge from last October that I started but since it's my senior year, I was preoccupied. Wanted to get it finished though, so I took my time and worked on it for the past three weeks and ended up having a lot of fun with it.

All throughout the project I took notes on what I should remember to do, or not do, for next time and I learned a lot. It would be fantastic to get an outsider's perspective on the whole thing so I can add to my notes even further.

Aspects I wanted to focus on were: triangulating my low-poly, (since it is a new concept for me and I learned quickly that it in itself is an art form) getting a better normal bake, and finally where to properly place UVW/smoothing group seams. One thing I noticed I need to work on is allocating UV space effectively too, you can see the contrast of some crucial pieces and how low-res they are.

I really appreciate any input/critiques!






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