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First sculpt of 2015 - Critique welcomed

Hey guys, first time poster. I want to start paying more attention to this forum and thought I'd start out by posting some recent work.

Inspired by the Ancient Greeks, observing their water gods and goddesses. This is my interpretation of Poseidon's wife 'Amphitrite' caught in action whilst commanding the sea.

I'd appreciate any critique In how I can improve this sculpt or any tips to pay attention to in future sculpts. Cheers :)


  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Hi and welcome to the forum!
    I look foward to seeing all your work!
    so, as far as the piece
    are you using any reference?
    Also the center piece seems a little messy, I'm having trouble seeing whats going on, and my eye doesnt exactly know where to go.
    Compisitionally you need to figure out a focal point otherwise our eyes arent going to know where to go.
    I want to say there are three materials around amphitrite, but right now i cant tell the diference between them. I would either decide on just one material and put that surrounding her, or figure out a way to make sure we can tell the difference between all three so they dont all look mushed together. (example: if thats cloth at the bottom it needs work. But then again It could be water! haha)
    The bricks leave a bit to be desired. it looks like you put a lot of work into it, but a part of me thinks all you did was put a stamp down. Their kinda boring as it is, even with all that meticulous detail you've put in. I'd look into putting something else around her, like some columns, or even consider making this a relief sculpt those are really nice. (provided you're not working from reference)
    Keep it up!
  • siris
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    Hello, thank you for such a good crit! I was looking at Greek and Italian sculpture and architecture for inspiration before starting but nothing specific for anything shown here. My idea was that she is naked and is summoning water whilst levitating just above sea level. Her dress and piece coming off her head is meant to be water as well as the base she is standing on. And then i had the idea she could be placed at a top of a building so i roughly put in some sort of structure around her. Ideally id like to texture and paint over to make these materials more obvious, but I think the material should still be obvious before texturing, so I shall work on these areas more. I think i may have bit off more than I can chew and have ended up getting a little lost and thus composition and focal point has gone out the window. Very new to 3D this being my second 'finished' sculpt.
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