I do not have a blueprint or conceptart, so you will need to do some research on Google and create multiple buildings and lots of props all textured which when put together create medival city. You will need to export all models to Unity3D as prefabs.
Buget for this 1000$ however you are welcome to quote me what you would want for this job.
So are you just looking for the 3D models created and exported to prefabs? Or do you need you need the materials and shaders setup in unity as well as all the lighting and other unity eye candy?
I'm looking for 3d models to be exported as prefabs with textures. No need for lightning setup. Do you think you could create handpainted textures just like in this example: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/063/9/2/92c5e4fde47d557be1dd007902afa921-d5x09r8.jpg
For the size of city it should be medium sized city, perhaps 7-8 buildings and city walls with towers.
Also send me a quote privatly
Look forward to hearing from you.