So this is my first time posting on polycount, I'm a second year games design student looking to start expanding my skills within 3d to some more organic shapes. I'm posting with the intention of getting feedback and critique on my creature that I am designing for a module. I have a detailed blog post
here with my research and reference images, what I'm looking for here is feedback on the shape and forms/anatomy of the model to help me improve and get the best possible result i can.
The creature that I'm designing is going to be based off a dog. I'm trying to keep it fairly realistic for the time being because we have another module running alongside this and the opportunity for there to be a dog placed within is quite high.
For the second design I played with removing the tail and building up some muscles around his back to add the stinger like spikes. The idea in the end is to give him a for of natural bone like armour plating and those spikes would not be raised all the time, they would tuck into his back and rest around his shoulder and neck providing more armour.
Creature Design 1 from the front, side and a kind of 3/4 view
Creature design 2 from the front side and another kind of 3/4 view
Any crit on the design and feedback on preference to help me decide on the final design would be appreciated.
I have to ask, and hopefully this helps yo once you can answer it, what is the creature supposed to do? Why does it exist?