I understand polycount is mostly artist types (myself included) but I was wondering if anyone ever took a games programming course online that they felt was worth the money or at the least wasn't a scam. I'm just trying to expand myself and was looking to find either a c# unity or c++ unreal directed programming course. An entry level course with an actual instructor would be best. Thanks for any and all leads. Cheers!
It's by far the best game development series that I've ever come across.
Need to learn C? Then check out Learn C The Hard Way. It's quite good though not as exciting as making games.
See here for a description http://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/2eb5d8/copenglsdl_game_engine_tutorials_for_an_absolute/
There is not one right way to go about it, find the most accessible way in to learn. The reason I became a programmer, is that to get into the art side of the industry, I decided to make games to show my technical knowledge. Now I can actually make them as well as doing the art side.
Try and learn O.O.P - Unity makes it easy for you, but even within that, there are a lot of extra complex things that are possible.