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Neeed advice on my Thark WIP

I'm pretty terrible when it comes to digital sculpting, especially with humanoid figures, but I'm trying to improve. I'm working on this creature design based on a Thark from Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars novels, and I need some general advice on how to proceed.


Any suggestions on anatomy and stuff like that?


  • MrD4rth
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    MrD4rth polycounter lvl 9
    from the pictures, he's an enormous Thark, and there is a lot of detail in the sculptures body. Anatomically, its looking really good. the only thing that's detracting is you don't seem to have spent much time on the face. since it's "based off", and over all your interpretation of it, maybe make the head a little more reptilian, possibly make the eyes smaller. or keep the eyes all buggy, and give him facial features of an insect. (side render may help with others giving critique too!)
    creepy and cool. keep it going!
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Bad Zbrush material, can't tell what's going on. Use a gray clay matcap.

    Harsh background for the document. Use something more desaturated and neutral in tone.

    Document size too small. I can see a lot of artifacting in the image. I recommend upping your document size or making sure the original image doesn't heavily compress.

    Rerender front, 3/4s, back, and profile views.
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