Hello everyone! A bit late to the party, waiting for accounts to be approved, but here we are! OuO
We're a team of two Game Design and Graphics students who recently added Substance to our workflow and absolutely loving it!
So, we felt this was a great opportunity to establish how to really implement in our asset production. For this competition we are going for a really slummy room, fitting for the HOBO KING! >uO
Here the first quick concept we did to guide us:
More images and updates coming up! >UO
// SkyInAPond & Uddebo
I like the lighting work you did. It looks...cosy. Looks like hobo has some sense for design
But, I also see something that's not quiet good. The wooden planks.
The materials looks small (like it's 512x512) so you get that stretched look. It's not super-stretched, but you can still see it. I would recommend maybe getting a higher resolution wood texture off CGTextures, and(or) increasing the UV resolution. I always use 2k resolution for my materials, very rarely do I use 1k.
And another small but important thing is, that you should bevel your corners on the wooden planks. There is a really sharp transition, so to smooth it a bit, I would recommend taht you bevel it. But it's all up to you, I'm here to give some advices and heads up.
Good luck, mate. If you do it right, this might be a good work in the end.
And have fun.