Hey all,
Recently making the transition from 3ds Max to Maya. So far so good, except how horrible my renders are coming out (normals). I've tried using Turtle but I don't think I can "bake" properly as I'm not using LT and the bake button isn't anywhere to be found, I've tried rendering by hitting the Clapperboard but I'm not sure if it's executing the way bake would. So I came across some documentation on how to execute it through MEL but I keep getting errors. Help here would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the documentation :
Performs texture baking. All texture bake specific options are taken as argument flags. All
other render settings are taken from the node TurtleRenderOptions.
Synopsis: ilrTextureBakeCmd [flags]
Flags: -n -normals on|off
ilrTextureBakeCmd -n on;
My Errors:
ilrTextureBakeCmd -n on;
// Warning: No file name given, texture will not be saved (use -fileName <string>) //
// Warning: No directory given, texture will not be saved (use -directory <string>) //
Not the sharpest scripter, it's been years since I've practiced and I'm already exploring other avenues to include into my pipeline for better normal results BUT wanted to explore all options first.
ilrTextureBakeCmd -n on -fileName "Texture" -directory "C:\Users\USER\";
did not read the part of the message explicitly stating the texture would not be saved!
In which case I would expect the correct mel behavior would be to throw an error message in addition to the warning message.
executing the script didn't give me any more errors, but it also didn't do anything lol. Is anyone using Maya 15 that can direct me to where the "bake" button for Turtle would be? Topogun has helped with baking my maps but I would like to compare before I include it into my pipeline.
I don't know sorry - never used Turtle. Why don't you use the Transfer Maps in Maya? Works great for me.