Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's 'the THRONE ROOM'

THRONE ROOM – Ruined by a Giant - tystnad

polycounter lvl 5
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tystnad polycounter lvl 5
Hi. This is my first challenge here.
My idea is to create a scene, like there was a medieval castle, then it was partially ruined by giants (something like Attack on titan :)), one of them was killed right in the throne room and people made a throne, based on his skull. Other bones were taken away and replaced by stone copies, statues or just something with the similar silhouette. The whole thing was constructed to remind people that their ruler is so almighty and, wow, killed a giant. The building itself will show the signs of damages, made by the falling body (cracks on the floor and etc.), like it wasn’t restored completely.

I can’t get rid of a feeling, that the amount of work will be too high for me and I’m not skilled enough yet, but my main aim is to learn something new and this challenge can be a good motivation.

Also I’m not very sure about the idea, maybe something like this already exists somewhere, still searching for references. I’ve already found some skull themed topics here, but I hope, that mine wouldn’t be too much repetitive.

P.S. the skeleton was used only for the sketch, it’s a default Zbrush model (Ryan_Kingslien_Anatomy_Model), it will be replaced later.
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