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ANSWERED: GPU Baker - when?

polycounter lvl 11
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final_fight polycounter lvl 11
So, when we gonna see it?


  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    I thought they had said, this was going to be in 1.9.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    And 1.9 kinda takes too much time...
  • awbjex
    Amen bro. I'm itchin' and scratchin' for 1.9. Hopefully it will be worth the oh so very long wait...
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    It does take time to create software, final_flight.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    "Coming soon" was in early December.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    There was no timeframe given for "soon", so it could reasonably take up to (and including) March for 1.9 to be released. Also, given that the developers consistently comment here regarding the pace of development, it's safe to say that it'll be closer to March.

    Hope that helps. Sk
  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    In support to final fight, I do remember a post suggesting the GPU baker would be available before Christmas 2014 (In time for Christmas" was I believe the title post on FB), and that Suite 1.9 was delayed until early 2015, with no specific date as Sytnaesthesia points out.

    I'd like to think I echo the sentiments of the community to say 'as soon as ready' is plenty quick enough and we appreciate that it takes time to test the software.

    However I think it's also worth noting that Quixel really did a great job from mid 2014 (6 point updates in 5 months with accelerated releases in the runup to 1.8 which is why the expectation upon them is so high.

    While not wanting to rush the devs, I share final_fights eagerness to get an update on where the land lies, but realize that Quixel don't OWE me that.

    equally importantly, where the heck is HalfLife 2 : Episode 3?
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    And devs just disappeared... Not a single response in a week.
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Eric was answering queries all but two days ago, as for anyone else who might usually comment, good. I hope they're taking a break, but as far as I've seen the more likely thing is that they're actually just working on trying to make the software better instead of futzing around on forums.

    1.9 will come soon enough, I'm happy enough to wait for it.
  • grimsonfart
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    grimsonfart polycounter lvl 4
    They should have given us more info on a regular basis, i understand people are getting anoyed by their silence. I saw a comment by Quixel on their facebook page yesturday saying something is coming, "soon"...
  • Eric Ramberg
    Well hi there, are you having a party without me. BagelHero that was might nice of you to say so, unfortunately no break, only work! Im sorry that it takes a bit of time to answer, it is because we´re working on the new tools/stuff and nothing else I assure you.

    As for the GPU baker it will probably be released as soon as it is done, if it is done before 1.9 it will most likely be released before 1.9. I say probably because that is the current plan, but Im not the man in charge of the plans :) I have seen it and it is cool!

    Osakarkeo - You are right that 2014 was a good year for us in terms of updates. the reason why it has cooled of a bit is Megascans, but we hope to get back the our usual pace soon again!

    As for HalfLife 2 : Episode 3, it was scrapped some years back in favour of Half Life 3, and HL3 will be released as a bonus download for Quixel suite 1.9, we thought it was only fair since it took a bit longer than usual!
  • rodrigotrovao
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    rodrigotrovao polycounter lvl 9
    maybe its going to be a massive update.. for 1.9
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