I have been learning Zbrush and finally got to the point where I need to create the low rez - in game resolution model.
But my problem is with Zbrush and its retopolizing tool...it takes forever!
What software, method, technique do you guys use or suggest?
Which is the best way?
Maybe I overlooked something.
- http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/ReTopologyModeling
Check out these links, they should help!
Cpl of modo vid's for you - not had a chance to use them much yet but I hear good things
I use a mix of WrapIt and the Graphite Modeling Tools in 3dsmax. It's as close to Modo retopo as you can get inside of Max. But if you have Modo you quickly find it has some of the best tools for these kinds of things without plug-ins or scripts or crazy customization.
I know some Maya users who are all about the Retopo tools in Maya. Which seem prety standard in almost all of the programs now-a-days...
But personally, I haven't used them enough in a production setting to give an opinion one way or the other.
I rely on max + WrapIt.
I would love to use Modo more.
I don't know how I feel about Maya's retopo tools, yet...
I can't really get the kind of results I want with zBrush.
Thats what I use almost exclusively. Tons of nice things for modeling as well, new keyboard shortcuts, etc. Really improves my workflow.
Rich's site is currently down but its usually at: rd3d.com/dtools
I still use it too, user friendly and fast.