Ive been working on a dagger and I cant get the edge of this blade to bake right. The blade is mirrored with smoothing splits for each uv island.
Could it be my topology on the high poly? if so what is the best way to model a blades edge for a clean bake?
Help would be met with many songs of appreciation.
Problem (circled in red)

Additional info
High poly

High poly cage (zoomed in to problem area)

Normal map

Can we see your low poly mesh and your UV layout?
You can never have enough padding. I set mine to like 9999px whenever I bake anything.
Cranked padding up to 20, no help. That green border is still there.
Here is the Low poly over the high poly (top) and just the low poly (bottom
Edit: AA set to Mitchell and supersampling set to Hammersley
edit2: ok new guess.. the lp is catching the edge of the hp. this would cause the green border. padding wont make it go away. Together with the shader bleeding these green pixel into the blade would cause such an edge. Just as test.. what happens if you paint away this green/blue edge and what happens if you make the lp-knife-edge a bit shorter then the hp so that it does not catch the rounding
@Rollin: Made the LP knife edge shorter, didnt work and gave me some other very slight artifacts. Painting it away worked BUT isnt the whole concept of this to NOT paint away errors on normal maps since each pixel is a stored vector?
Your problem demonstrates one of these cases. What you see is a correctly baked normal projection but your mind tells you "no no, the edge of the blade can't look like that". Both, the bake and your mind are correct
I'm sure you can build the lowpoly in a way or use a cage to directly bake correct.. But that's nothing else as just making the projection a bit more correct.
Painting over it is just the faster way and a bit hacky but imo everything is allowed what gets the job done
edit: just as an additional note: how big do you like the pixel to be which is storing the cutting-edge normal facing in the cut direction of a sharp blade?
Im afraid I dont quite understand the question. Aren't the pixel sizes all the same in this case?
make the hp as sharp as the low (as far as possible) and match the middle line. You have an offset to the right if you look in the direction from the grip to the blade.
Also you have offseted the uv shell which is a bit better aligned to the hp.
So you are baking from the less good side.
Make this clean and you get a better result. Maybe loosing most of the border. A bit waviness will stay if you don't put more polys into the rounding of the blade edge.
Thank you all so much. This problem was really getting under my skin.