I noticed something strange when standing from a distance a shadow/black outline appears on my decals which I don't want. When I approach the decal it disappears. Anyone have any ideas what is causing this issue?
Cast shadow is unchecked in the properties of the decal.
Do your decals have black as a background color in the texture?
Could you post a screenshot or two? Might help.
Having said that, if I were to fly up and move even further back the black outline reappears. If I were to set it to a value of -0.00000 or higher than the Decal will as you'd expect disappear entirely. Therefore the problem has not really been resolved.
Still would like to figure out a proper solution to this problem
What I was talking about is in the material properties:
See where it lists "domain"?
That's where I was talking about if it was set to decal or not.
Unreal, y u sort so bad?