It's possible to fade the Height channel of a layer ?
Nothing append when I change the fusion mode of a layer or the alpha value to the Height.
All the layers Heigh adds,
when I do a replace, all the layers Height adds,
when I do a layer intensity to 1%, the height remaining to 100%.
This isn't the behavior I expect, for the other Channels like color/rough/metal it works.
The only solution I've found was to create a substance material with an input to the Height Intensity.
Thanks !
Best regards, Cheers.
We have an opacity slider per channel in Substance Painter. Simply use the dropdown on top of the layer stack to switch between the channels, and you will be able to set the blending mode and the opacity of the height channel of the specific layer.
We plan to add a global opacity that will control all the channels at once to make things more handy.
Thanks very well, Cheers.