I'm working at getting rid of old college work to update my portfolio with newer work. It's been a little tough with time as a new dad, but it's been more encouraging than ever.
Wanted to get some advice on what to dispose of in my portfolio or if there is something I can keep and improve on. Just finished this Imp Alter and wanted to know if I should put that in as well. Putting everything I got into the Throne Room next. Thanks Polycounters.
Perhaps you could do some tweaks to your castle scene also. Grass seems to be growing on a plain stone. Foliage would also look better with edited normals.
As for that altar prop from MNC, the model looks good but texturing seems to be lacking details and material def. It would probably be a good choice to add a glow map to that green blood thingy.
the new altar looks well baked but in general texturing seems to be your biggest weakness, try comparing material definition closer with real materials, on that one everything is very glossy and every time you do cracks, they have the same crack size and depth, making them look fake (+ crevices are way too dark, dont use such black ao thats just not happening, global illumination prevents that). Most importantly try to work on your edge definition, which is like the essence of texturing imo, if you get that right, youll make a huge step forward and its not too difficult
i did a poor paintover but i think you get what i mean, i could not change the base material gloss and spec too much in Photoshop
your recent bakes look solid but dont be afraid using more quads, aside you seem to be on a good way, just make sure to look at a lot of artworks so your brain saves all the patterns of good aesthetics and you can replicate that better subconsciously over time which helps a lot. Website looks good
@Joltya, yeah I agree with the cola bar being empty in a way, I was just trying to match the concept. It was probably one of my first environments as well. I would love to spruce up the castle a bit more, but unfortunately lost those files awhile back. So i'm probably just going to get rid of it.
@Deathrey, wish I could edit that castle a bit more, lost those files though. I'm going to focus more on the texturing for that Imp Alter prop though.
@Shrike, I agree with removing the cola bar, vending machine, the futuristic garage and the castle for sure. I'm going to spend more time texturing the Imp Alter. I was using Substance Painter for the first time, so I'm still getting used to it (Always used pure photoshop and NDO/DDO.) Thanks for the paintover though it helps a lot to see what you're talking about
If the brown parts are supposed to be untreated wood it needs to be a lot less glossy.
It's very unclear if the teeth are supposed to be sculpted or if they're supposed to be actual teeth from an animal so you might want to work more on that.
You're are also wasting a lot of geometry on the brown part of the altar where it seems to hardly make any difference at all.
I think you need to dirty up the crevices a bit and, as Shrike said, paint in some edge wear as well to make it a lot more interesting to look at.
The modelling looks solid, but the texture still needs some more love IMO.
Still getting used to Substance Painter which is what I used for this. Anyways I'm going to dirty it up a bit more and see if I can close some of those loops for the top wood part.
Nice work! I particularly enjoy the composition of the wooden cabin scene.