Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's 'the THRONE ROOM'

THRONE ROOM - Frozen Hall of Kings - Arizia

Hey PC, I am going to be entering this competition as an individual and this is also the first one I will have entered on here :).

I can't concept at all so I have made up a floor plan, some moodboards and a simple blockout to get my vision across.

The basic idea is a viking themed environment set inside a large ice cave, with the traditional long tables and firepits in between, alongside massive wooden pillars helping to support the roof of the cave.

Floor plan:


Room Concept:


Throne Concept:


Architecture Reference:




The blockout is just a quick idea for general sizes and a basic lighting solution although much of it will likely change.

Any comments on what I have so far are greatly appreciated and i hope you all enjoy whatever will be coming shortly :)
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