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Sketchbook: Dalwocket

polycounter lvl 2
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Dalwocket polycounter lvl 2
I Suppose I shall be dropping most of the work here that is of any note.
(Feedback more than welcome)


  • Dalwocket
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    Dalwocket polycounter lvl 2
    I made that a while ago, but have just recorded it and made it into a video.
  • Dalwocket
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    Dalwocket polycounter lvl 2

    I have had the wizard sitting around for quite some time. I was working on making a cool and much longer dance animation for him. But it was a bit too much for me I think, so I decided that it would be better to make something less cool and shorter than nothing at all. Therefore, I made this. I am still pretty pleased with it. None the less, feedback would be appreciated. The mesh was made rather poorly (by me) and I'll need to work on getting a better mesh next time so that when I weight paint (which I also aim to do better) I will work nicely and be able to move his shoulders. Right now, they move, but only with great deformity. I'll admit I still haven't got the keenest artistic eye, so what background should I have used if it needed to be a solid colour? Green and brown would be the normal I think, but neither would work as that is what the wizard has. Anyway, that makes two somewhat larger projects I've completed. :D
  • Dalwocket
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    Dalwocket polycounter lvl 2
    Latest work.
    It's not the prettiest, but I'm planning on making a playable something now, and thinking I had better keep the graphics in that low-poly style as I can't yet do very good high-poly (or low poly actually :D) Anyway, if all goes as planned, the first playable prototype will just be walking around on that island essentially. (In first person)
  • Dalwocket
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    Dalwocket polycounter lvl 2
    Here's a hand I've been working on. The description covers it a bit more.
    (I'll probably post this in the main forum to get some feedback too)

    (I'll edit this in a moment when I find out how to post a sketchfab thingy)
    Well, I can't figure it out, the little button here doesn't seem to do anything.
    So here's the link: https://sketchfab.com/models/b8f118666ac34c5291cac3470a89d73c
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