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Portfolio Critique - Graduating Soon

polycounter lvl 9
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sci_mind polycounter lvl 9
Hey everyone,

I'm close to graduating and I'm working towards being a character artist. I was hoping to get some feedback on my work overall and what I need to focus and improve on.

Areas I know i need to work on are my lighting and texturing.

Also if you guys have any advice on what I should add to my portfolio, like more humans or more creatures I'm all ears.

Thank you :)



  • AngryMindtricks
    I actually really like your two most recent creatures haha... the models seem pretty solid to me... but to be frank the most out standing issue for me is that the materials on your models are a bit too plastic or undefined in general... maybe take some time into tweaking an SSS Shader for them in whichever engine you're rendering them in? Other than that, lighting / texturing comes with practice... I feel like your Swarm creature could benefit from a lot more variation in the skin it's got... as right now it looks like it's all flat colour with AO, etc... either way, seems promising, keep going! :)
  • Oskar Selin
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    Oskar Selin polycounter lvl 3
    Your sculpts are really nice and the website is clean and tidy. Maybe you should consider buying your own domain if you will use this website when applying for jobs.

    Like you say yourself the textures need alot of work. That beauty render looks like a good start in Zbrush(if thats the sculpting software you use) blocking out the basic colors. Maybe some cavity shadows/highlights would make the details pop more? And a gloss map to make it look slimy in some parts?

    Did you do the lowpoly model from scratch in Maya/3DS/Topogun? It looks very un-optimized. By that i mean that many polygons are not helping the silhouette or the stretching if you would animate the mesh.

    Good work so far! Looking forward to see your WIPs completed.
  • Leinad
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    Leinad polycounter lvl 11
    Great models! I would suggest in optimizing the models a bit more efficiently in terms of topology (They seem to be unnecessarily dense in certain areas). The uv unwraps look a bit sloppy in some spots (specifically on the goblin). The overall sculpt quality is quite nice, but like you've already noted the texture and materials are bringing the overall quality down.

    Keep up the good work!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    I wouldn't worry about owning your own domain it's not really a big deal - just don't use a flash based site that takes forever to load images

    your lowpoly versions like already mentioned look to have a lot of useless edge loops that could be done away with

    the formula 1 WIP head looks a tad on the big size compared to the body but im not a character guy so don't take my word for it. But I would space her legs a part a little bit more, looks like she could easily fall over and really just looks kind of awkward

    and what's with the "Contact:" text above all your tabs? it's not a clickable link to anything and you already have RESUME/CONTACT right below it. Oh is it just a title for the tabs? I personally would just remove it and let the tabs speak for themselves

    on the home page you have 2 WIP's and then you have a blog tab that is subtitled "works in progress" yet the 2 from the homepage are not amongst the other WIPS

    not to mention a lot of people say if it isn't finished don't post it because it makes you look lazy, maybe the blog is fine though.... hopefully others chime in about it

    I really like the alien head busts in your blog, I wouldn't mind seeing those finished up, overall site is simple and clean which is key!
  • sci_mind
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    sci_mind polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you guys for the kind words and feedback on my work. This really helps me out alot and makes me feel good that im on the right track.
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    In addition to the critiques everyone else has given you.

    First off, your sculpts are very cool, but, you definitely need more finished, textures, posed, and well presented human character models. I'd say, at least 1 male and 1 female. As quality humans are going to be most common work when it come to character artists.
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