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Move all uv shells apart script and local scaling

polycounter lvl 8
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konraden polycounter lvl 8
Hello fellow pointpusher!

Im about to do some hardsurface stuff and Im looking for solutions for two reoccuring time consuming events.
Tried googling and looking here on polycount but I cant seem to find any sollution.

1.I need some script or plugin that helps me with the tedious moving of uv shells when baking hard edges.

Im dreaming of a way to move all shells apart from each other 1-5 pixels by some script or tool.

Anyone got a script or plugin to recomend for doing this?

2.A way to scale uv shells from border and inwards, like I can do with edges with transform component tool in the viewport.

Any tips or help is much appreciated :)


  • WarrenM
    The first thing people are going to ask is - what app are you using?
  • konraden
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    konraden polycounter lvl 8
    Ofc!D :D

    Maya 2015
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    This is built in to modo off the bat. The UVing tools in modo are out of this world - would recommend checking it out and doing local scale on UV's have been a massive help with fixing padding issues as you have described :)
  • konraden
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    konraden polycounter lvl 8
    Maya´s uv tools until 2015 has been lacking alot of esential functions. Without UVDeluxe plugin its really timeconsuming to do alot of UV work. Cant understand how the´ve gotten away with it, but then again I still have to go into plugin manager and enable Mental ray every time I need it so maybe I shouldnt be suprised.

    Whats the tools called in Modo? Could probabily help with looking for simular tools for maya.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    It's the regular scale tool with the action center set to local, not a dedicated tool.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Modo has a pretty unique system called action centres. Its a system that let's you change the position, orientation and 'use' of the 'pivot' point (aka centers in modo) and the system is a universal tool that works across all of modo.

    So for your UV situation its just a matter of setting your action centres to 'local' and then scale. It will the scale each of your islands from their unique local positions jobs a hidden.

    Its incredibly powerful and combined with the 'work plane' tools you hit power level 9000!!!
  • konraden
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    konraden polycounter lvl 8
    I hear only good things about Modo, even thou Im a bit afraid of "the cult"-mentality (such as with apple).

    Wouldnt mind spending some time evaluating it but I cant justify all that freetime to get to point of experience and knowledge I am at with Maya when I cant use it at work since our pipeline is Maya dependant with exporttools and outsourcing using Maya.

    Its interesting to hear about Modo thou and when the opportunity arises I will check it out.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Its always a hard decision to kinda pack up and move over to another piece of software and it is a lot easier to do if you are in a working environment where the people around you know how to use it. I was quite lucky, my boss is a massive fan boy and was a great source of knowledge when I got stuck.

    I do feel that over the coming years MODO will become a much bigger part of the games industry. They seem to be having a push towards the game development crowd with the most recent 801 update and also with the cheap indy deals they have going on with steam. Its a lot cheaper too, your looking at around $1000 for a full licence with max / maya being something like $3500?!

    I've been using it for around 18 months now and overall find most, if not all, processes in my day to day work being a lot faster and more efficient in Modo. The tools feel more natural in how they work making it feel like your arting rather then using 3D software. The time you loose learning Modo you would make up over time because its just faster.

    But I did find the initial learning of Modo pretty frustrating - It came down to the fact that it just worked different. Not in a bad way but I found at first I wanted it to work like Maya just because thats where my head was at but after a few months and a bit of customization and just pushing through the frustration it didn't take too long to feel at home.

    If you ever check it out I'm happy to share some of my thoughts on some of the general customization I've made to make it feel a bit more like Maya in places but still having all the awesome Modo has to offer.
  • antweiler
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    antweiler polycounter lvl 8
    Modo fanboyism is getting very strong in this Forum, if i were younger it would start to annoy me...
    Mayas UV Tools were improved in the last versions, and have been extremely powerful and mature for a long time. There is a lack of some convenient buttons in the UV editor for certain simple functions, like moving UVs about certain steps, etc, but there are many free scripts on creativecrash, that cover this, like the one mentioned.
    You can do all you need with one or two simple clicks, without scripts.
    1: The Layout UV Tool is a good starting point, you can define how close the shells are. Break up your model into parts, if necessary (you can work on UVs of multiple objects) for refining, there is the Move UV Tool, which has some interactive overlapping prevention (I never needed this)
    2: with "d" pressed, you can quickly move the UV shells pivot using the mmb (dont even have to click the gizmo) just snap it to a border UV and you can scale from the border. Dont forget, that there are different options of the move/rotate/scale tool regarding snapping and softselection, wether you are in modeling or UV Editor.
  • Eric Chadwick
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    antweiler wrote: »
    Modo fanboyism is getting very strong in this Forum, if i were younger it would start to annoy me...

    Oh noes! I think i've turned into my boss - For a year he sat behind me saying "Well in Modo...." "If you did it in Modo...." Wile I sat slaving away on Maya. Now he has passed on the fan boy flame! :)
  • konraden
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    konraden polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for your response antweiler

    I cant see how the layout UV tool can help me with separating shells for baking hardedge normalmaps, or I dont know the correct settings for it.

    What I want:

    What I get:

    Please explain if Im missing some combination of settings.

    Moving pivot helps somewhat but if I have a uv shaped like a H I end up having to deselect, move pivot, scale, reselect quite alot, wheres as if I could scale like the transform component tool it would be done so much faster.

    My workflow right now is just to select shells and move them apart and do some rescaling, I just wish there was some way to make it automatically.

    Im not new to uving objects and I have most of what I want/need in Maya and UVDeluxe. Its mainly theese two things that can be time consuming when doing hard surface stuff. So if I could find a way to do it faster, that would be great :)
  • antweiler
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    antweiler polycounter lvl 8
    Have you looked into the layout UV Tools options? Under Shell Spacing, you can set percentage space, which is the distance between shells. There is only limited control of the orientation.
    When you set prescale to world, it scales all the shells to the same size in relation to their faces size in the scene (same texel size)
    When i work with this tool, I have the options window always opened, and hit apply, then its easier to adjust to the desired settings.

    With "scaling like the transform component tool", do you mean scaling along a different axis than U or V?
  • konraden
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    konraden polycounter lvl 8
    Yep Ive looked in there and I can set the distance between faces but I dont want it to pack the UV´s(throw all the faces around the uv space), texturing that in Photoshop isnt resonable. I just want it to move the shells apart a couple of pixels.

    This is what I want it to do:

    This is what I get:

    I mean in both +- u/v, try using the transform com
    ponent gizmo/tool and you will see what you mean.

  • antweiler
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    antweiler polycounter lvl 8
    I understand now, and i fear what you want to achieve cant be easily done with the default tools... UV Shells dont have normals so creating script wouldnt be easy, imho :(
  • Deadly Nightshade
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    Deadly Nightshade polycounter lvl 10
    In Nightshade UV Editor you can scale shells from their individual center pivots - creating extra padding around them. Is this what you are looking for? But this scales the shells uniformly ofc (or along either U or V), because there are no such thing as UV shell normal vectors :(
  • tajomaru
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    tajomaru polycounter lvl 5
    Deadly Nightshade, how do you scale shells from their individual center pivots in Nightshade UV Editor?
  • Axcel
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    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    Afaik, you can't.

    I am here, because searching for a 3rd party script.
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