Hello everyone, I decided I have to practice making faces and doing likness starting out with just a sphere in ZBrush. So, I started with making Elsa, but something seems off, could you please point out what to change and tweak to make her look more like herself?
This is what I got so far:
Take a look at this model here : http://kai-n.deviantart.com/art/Elsa-3D-438847622
MrCreator, stop sculpting. Drop the reference image in photoshop. Good first shot, but we should pull this back to a lower sculpt resolution.
Draw a rough shape of the eye. Now measure, with that shape, how many "eyes" apart the eyes are.
Then measure how many "eyes" below the eyes the mouth and nose are. So on and so forth for other facial landmarks.
Proportions are about the relationship between forms, shapes, etc, and not a hard set distance of meters. This is why people mention people's heights in art in terms of "heads" or how many "heads" wide someone is at shoulder width. Taking the time to measure these out based on eye width and height will allow you a relative, but pretty solid, unit of measurement to place the facial elements.
Also, when you're blocking in proportions, don't dip into a high resolution. Stay low, it's easier to adjust and easier to fix.
The shape of your eyes are off at the bottom eyelid. It's curving way too soon, turning into cat eyes. There needs to be a flatter plane before it curves up to the corner. Your top double eyelids are also not terminating where they are in the reference: at the outer corner of the eye.
Hair needs more volume in the front. Google "pompadour" hair style, see how much front mass they emphasize with that particular hair cut.
Do you have a 3/4s view? You seem to be trying to replicate the 3/4 look of the reference one to one.
Decent start, but we're going to do a lot of pull back before diving into higher details. It'll make your sclpting time easier once the proportions are fixed, etc.
Also, MrCreator, you've made a LOT of sculpt posts recently. I'm really hoping that you bring this one to completion. Get it retoplogized, textured, rendered in a game engine so you have something completed. I really encourage you to take time to bring this to completion. It's the challenging bit about game art: it's one thing to get something decent looking, another thing to get it useable in a game engine in some way. Try to get over that hump, and get in in-game!
Oh, hello JadeEyePanda, I didnt recognize you at first because you changed your profile picture haha...
I will put the image in photoshop and do what you told me to, that seems like a very good way to get the proportions right, practice and progress.
I started this using Zspheres to get eyes, nose, chin and neck on spot (default face) and then I went on with dynamesh after getting a better shape of her head and etc. so I dont have a low res. Should I start over?
Yes, im sorry I post a lot of my sculpts, I finish a lot of them but I just forget to post the end result, stuff I post is only about half of the things I actually sculpt. I finish 95% of my sculpts so I dont want to it to look like I start something and dont finish it often!
Dustinbrown - thanks, I will check that out!
This is what I got so far, I dont know if I should go and do Dynamesh (since im used to work in it) or whats my next step with subdivisions..
Your eye shape is still off. Too sharpened at the corner, feels more like cat eyes.
Try to keep a neutral espression on the face. Do you know how to use the "Seethrough" option in zBrush? It might help you quite a lot!