I have created this slingshot:

It basically consists of the base object which is the wood, a separate object which is the "Rubber band", and a third object which is the pad that is supposed to be pulled.
The slingshot is to be used in a game, from this view:

I am fairly inexperienced with 3DS MAX, but I know how to set up a basic animation and rigging/skinning.
My desired effect is a basic fast pull back of the "pad", with the rubber band stretching as realistically as possible, with a subsequent "ricochet" release.
After a few hours of searching for similar projects I am left with no idea or examples of how to create this animation.
I do not need to include the rock being shot in the animation, since it will be handled as a separate object in Unity.
Thanks for taking your time to help out!
If you aren't going to see the rock or the pad, you just need the band to raise up and go straight. A sound effect of stretching rubber will really help. Two bones and you're done. The band bone can even be controlled by the engine to reflect aim, which might be more important than realistically simulated physics.
2nd, I know the rubber band looks nice when modeled with a bend, but it makes rigging more difficult. IF you were to do a more difficult rig (not saying you should) that bend would be a pain because you have to figure out a way to straighten it out. Its easier to rig straight and then add that kind of slack detail when animating.
3rd, if you want to see the recoil of the band, it can happen pretty quick with minimal rigging. It will take a few more than 2 bones but again you don't need to go crazy on it, just do the minimum to make it work.