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Blitzcrank model


I've been a lurker and admirer of you all great artist for a long time.
I try to get out of my comfortzone and this is the first time i've showed somone my work.

I really want to be a better artist and this is a big step for me.

My goals right now are to learn hardsurafe modeling and substance painter and I would love to get as much feedback as possible <3

So, to my work. I'm working on a blitzcrank model from the game League of Legends. This is the highpolly version.

I think my model is way to symmetric and there is noting "interesting" going on.
I know for a fact that my "rockets/chimneys" need to be larger. I might enlarge my legs also,

One of my big weakness is to design new cool stuff, I just browse the internet and try to find cool stuf and then fit them into my model

This is my biggest inspirational-picture: http://lolwp.com/wp-content/uploads/SteamGolem_Splash1_1.jpg

How can I make this model "stand out" and become interestin?

Thanks in advance for all help. I think you all rock! :)



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