I've been a lurker and admirer of you all great artist for a long time.
I try to get out of my comfortzone and this is the first time i've showed somone my work.
I really want to be a better artist and this is a big step for me.
My goals right now are to learn hardsurafe modeling and substance painter and I would love to get as much feedback as possible

So, to my work. I'm working on a blitzcrank model from the game League of Legends. This is the highpolly version.
I think my model is way to symmetric and there is noting "interesting" going on.
I know for a fact that my "rockets/chimneys" need to be larger. I might enlarge my legs also,
One of my big weakness is to design new cool stuff, I just browse the internet and try to find cool stuf and then fit them into my model
This is my biggest inspirational-picture:
How can I make this model "stand out" and become interestin?
Thanks in advance for all help. I think you all rock!

Also, the original Blitz has gigantic hands while yours has relatively small ones... Maybe some bigger hands overall would make him more recognizable.
Here's something you can use for size reference.
My feedback would be that he is very top heavy and the face is maybe too hidden. It might help to reduce the size of the wrists.
looking forward to see more.
Any detail recommendations that I can add?
I think i'll add some more tubes and a heater-meter of some sort.
agree with the rest, hand are really small, also he might be a bit short and chubby? especially if you look at the image you linked yourself. you have these box-thingies where his legs meet the hips thats kinda wierding me out
Are you gonna take him into zbrush and do some battle damage on him later?
What do you think about my new improved legs?
also, if you want inspiration for the hands or other parts for that matter, you should check out this crazy thread by lonewolf