Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's 'the THRONE ROOM'

THRONE ROOM – The Almighty Throne – Zurdge

polycounter lvl 3
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Zurdge polycounter lvl 3

I feel like I’m joining this challenge a tad late however I plan to take part using the little time I do get. I plan of making a floating land mass, starting at an old worn out (but pleasant to look at) wooden lift there will be a chalk path(s)/steps leading up to a large Greek styled building/temple which will house a huge dominating statue (Maybe zeus?).

I’ve thrown a quick moodboard together while at work although most of my work will be done in 2 hour sessions when I get back home around 2-3 times a week.
I will be using 3Ds Max as my primary modelling, UV unwrapping and all the other gubbins needed to produce an environment for real-time. Xnormal for Normal bakes, AO and a couple other bits and bobs.

Photoshop for those artsy doodles.

UE4 will be my game engine of choice, I’ve never actually had my hands on it for more than 30 minutes before however I will be using it for my final year project at university next year so I think it wise to really get to grips with it now.

Heck, my idea might change completely and I could end up making a throne for a giant robot under the sea!..


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