Is it possible to update the FBX exporter of 3DS Max? I'm using 2012, and apparently in that version the exporter doesn't like meshes with parts made via symmetry and displays the normal map as inverted on those parts in Substance Designer. I went to Autodesk's page and downloaded/installed the 2015 FBX SDK, hoping maybe that would update the exporter but it doesn't seem to have as I"m getting the same error on a test mesh.
You might need to reset the normals on your mesh, reset xforms might do the trick but I've not used Max for quite wile so might not fix it.
Always remember creating a new object,attaching your mesh to it often fixing a lot of issues like this too.
Autidesk says:
"FBX plug-ins are built into the installer for 2016, 2015, and 2014 releases of media and entertainment software."
I have downloaded the FBX SDK but cant figure out how to get them into max >.<
I can't find anything on installing exporters above 2013 to max 2011 so, em I doomed? must I say goodbuy to max 2011?
I have the install packages for FBX 2013.3 for Max 2011 here. The FBX 2013.3 packages were the last FBX plugin releases that you could download seperatly from the main packages. Which is complete idiocy, to stick those releases with the main package update cycles...
EDIT: i just tried to grab them from the Autodesk website. Seems their site is utterly broken in total. There is no way to find anything related to the fbx plugins. Even all the google search results are pointing to nonexisting pages on the Autodesk site.
I'm so glad i'm such a hoarder and store every install packe i DL on my local drives ...