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[workshop artist] problem about Newbloom deadline

Hi everyone, I'm keinhangia who working on this VS set, I was collab with Nobiru (steam here), who is a 3d artist to make this set. I'm work on concept, loading screen and texture. As you can see, this is a set for New Bloom event, with deadline in 19 Jan.


Unfortunately, when we was done like 70% of the set, Nobiru met some health problem so she need to goes hospital for several days. I tried working with my friend to finsish the set. Since I cant communicate with Nobiru because she not online Steam or Skype, I got information from her boyfriend who login on her skype account to inform me. I tried to tell him that she or he must login her Steam account in deadline day to accept author for the set.

So, I want to ask if there is any way to change the author for the set, without take it down and reupload? Because I affaid that Nobiru can't show up in deadline day and accept author for our set (her skype and steam not online for several days)
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