So I saw The Hobbit the battle of the five armies and absolutely loved it. But one of my favorite parts of the movie and the last hobbit film was BOLG son of Azog. personally one of my favorite orc designs in recent memory. His armor, his face, the metal coming out of his body I just loved all of it. So I've decided that he would be my next character.
Reference sheet below:

This is what i got so far, Im going to be adding more detail to the parts of the skin that rip and tear, especially where the metal pop out of his ribs I just wanted to layout the anatomy first.

EDIT: Also looking at your refs, the jaw and chin of the character is still not there yet. Also I would try to make the mouth look a little meatier. To me the mouth doesn't quite feel fleshy enough.
Hey everyone so I ran int some crap on the side that kind of held me back when it came to working on this, but now Im free so im going to push through with this guy, heres what I got for his face still pushing the wound aroun the metal plates then onto the skin pores. Pls crit thanks guys
He's looking super sweet so far though, keep it up!
Also here is a front shot of his face from the movie as ref
I think his left cheek can be pulled out a bit more along with the eye, and the Metal/Dent in his head can be sunken in a little more.
Lavitz - Thanks for the drawing it helps
Hey everybody so In the update I worked on the body and overall anatomy and silohuette so thats the big fix in this update and the metal ribs and cuts on the torso, Will be pushing the anatomy and ribs tonight will have a update tommorow before i go to work. Definately the things Ive noticed I got to work on are the forearms and hands gotta push those.
PLS crit thanks
Pls crit
Hey guys so here is a quick update I'll have a bigger update on wednesday with more close up shots just want to get a few more crits on the proportions and boot armor, the skin skirt is a WIP