So I did my research and found this is a known issue in Maya, but wtf? I figured I'd post here to see if anyone knows anything more about this because as of now I don't know of a solution.
so I have this object (shown below)-

All history is deleted. Scene is clean and as simple as it gets... I started beveling it up already to add roundness to my edges.

But there is this vert edge and when ever I try to bevel it I get a fatal crash. Below is the edge and also the crash window-

I've checked the geo, everything is good as far as I'm concerned... This is just maddening. A simple task like this and Maya dies? I've never had fatal crashes cause by such simple procedures in my 5 years of 3ds Max use... Any ideas guys? I just want to build a damn kitchen in Maya. Is that too much to ask for? haha
Here is a link to my scene for DL if anyone wants to take a look.
There has to be a solution for this.
Your Outliner (which I suggest you have open while working) is cluttered with many empty groups and dead transform nodes. I suspect these to be the cause of your issues. I would recommend deleting history immediately after major topological modifications such as Combine, Separate, Extract, Duplicate Face, and any Boolean operations.
Try cleaning up your scene and seeing if that helps.
Also thank you for taking the time to DL the scene and have a look at it. I've just learned a lot the past few hours that I'm excited to share (although I'm sure the Maya users here already know this.. I'm new to the Maya game).
I've been doing my bevels wrong this entire time. I've always selected and beveled my edges in "groups". Horizontal first then I moved to vertical to ensure I wasn't missing any edges... I've been selecting by hand this entire time.
I just discovered Maya's powerful selection constraint that allows me to select all the hard edges at once. This not only saves me time but allows me to apply a bevel to all those edges at once which Maya can process and make clean beveled edges.
Right now I don't know if I'm happy or pissed... Happy because of this new selection constraint discovery or pissed that I've wasted so much time doing the selection all by hand.
Anyways! Problem is solved. I was the issue here, not Maya. Selecting all edges and beveling is far cleaner than doing some lines here and some lines there (horizontal and vertical).
Thanks for the reply and assist though!