Hey guys,
I've been getting some really funky behavior out of Maya 2015 recently, and I was wondering if it was only me.
If I am in a scene and wish to switch to an other one, Maya will load but usually crash before being able to switch scenes and send me this error:
Fatal Error: Attempting to save in C/....
Not to mention a series of weird corruptions with Human IK; the rotation controls start jerking all over the place violently as i try to animate and I can't seam to identify why. The only solution I found was to go to a previous iteration of my file where it wasn't happening.
Animation layers are unusable if i try moving my HIK character in full body mode. The character will look fine the moment I move him, but as soon as I scrub the time line, his pose will have changed and most often then not he will be all scrunched up. Just to clarify, I have used Human IK and layers in that fashion before in 2015 and haven't had that issue show up until recently.
So... I'm in the process of installing Service Pack 5, hopefully it will get rid of the crashes and funky HIK problems. But has anybody ran into these issues before and do you guys have any idea if its something else that I might be doing wrong?
Now I'm still looking for a solution to my Human IK and layers problem, but at least I'm less scared that my scenes might be corrupted!