I want to create a macro for "r_TexelsPerMeter".
"Enables visualization of the color coded "texels per meter" ratio for objects in view.
The checkerboard pattern displayed represents the mapping of the assigned diffuse
texture onto the object's uv space. One block in the pattern represents 8x8 texels.
Usage: r_TexelsPerMeter [n] (where n is the desired number of texels per meter; 0 = off)"
Texels should be 512 px per meter.
Can anyone tell me how the command line should look like?
You want to make areas that are red have less texel density, and areas that are blue have more texel density.
Sorry, doesn't work.
Only "r_TexelsPerMeter" works, but without any parameters.
Got the latest one: 3.6.15