I'm trying to create a steam effect that looks realistic. I know very little about particles. Normally i would just read all documentation and watch every tutorial i find but I don't have anymore time for that.
I'm looking for any kind of help. Video-tutorial/documentation that covers this type of thing or someone else's work I would really appreciate that!
Here is concept what I'm trying to achieve:
As you can see i took UE 4 steam effect but it renders only in one direction. The idea is to make the "steam" slowly coming in every direction to make it look more real.
Edit: -1 to 1 might not be the values youre looking for. could aswell be -50 and 50 or whatever. Depends on UE4s units.
Thanks for response.
When I'm playing with initial velocity for the steam it creates some bugs. For example the overall "smoke" is getting larger for the amount that i need making it look better but from time to time it creates single smoke far away from the main spawn area. The same thing happens no matter if i play with x y or z.
Also the spawned steam is always faced to the camera I was trying to turn locked axis off but then nothing was rendered.
I was trying to understand how its working and as far i get it it just creates planes that are always faced to camera. Those planes have animation of the smoke. That gave me a idea to create different mesh for the main smoke to make it less "flat" and not always faced to the camera.
I would make some planes on the ground then few bend one for corners and big main with default settings as UE 4 starter content steam. Is this solution used a good idea for this type of things ?
I was also thinking abut rendering smoke in 3ds max with some powerful plug-ins and then importing this to UE 4 is this possible?
Particles should in most cases face the camera (screen aligned) to avoid seeing it from the side which would look odd. In some cases like having water drops on a surface you could make them aligned to the world instead but I wouldn't recommend it for smoke - it will look very flat. If you do want to try it out you have to change the setting Screen Alignment under Required and maybe something else but I don't remember the unreal setup very well.
Instead, I'd play around with motion stretching, size, lifetime, maybe attraction/repulsion to objects in the world etc. to get a less uniform look.
Your idea with adding planes close to the walls/ground could work if you make a nice material (fade it off with fresnel from the sides for example) but for steam it seems a little odd I believe.
Well, depends on what you mean. You can render out animations of fluid effects in sprite sheet and use that in UE4. Not the simulation.
I make particle sprite sheets with Maya Fluids but there are plugins for Max aswell(FumeFX for example).