Hello Polycount!
I'm a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas in their Arts and Technology program. I'm participating in an independent study this semester in digital sculpting using Zbrush.
After talking with my professor today, it looks like the first half of the semester will be assigned projects (from digital tutors) and the second half I will be able to choose my own projects. I'm making this thread mainly so I can get some critique on projects that are not following tutorials. That being said I figured that I would just start a thread now so that I could get critique on the assigned stuff as well.
I hope to start posting WIPs in the following days and am looking forward to any feedback:)
concept created by puzzle lee
I'm going to be doing multiple busts over the coming weeks, so any critiques would be helpful.
and the reference sheet that I made
Solid work though, and you definitely have the right idea of doing legit anatomy studies and such. A lot of people breaking into character art try to make leaps instead of steps when it comes to anatomy. Take it slow
Reference sheet that I put together.
Frist thing that I see are the eyes, they are spread too wide. Secondly, I think that you need to make his neck thicker, look at the reference(3/4) and you'll see that his sternomastoid muscle is highly visible.
Another thing to notice, is his mandible. He does not have this perfect manly jaw shape, the angle of mandible is a little bit higher(closer to the ear) and that makes it a bit more curved(from the side view).
You should take a look at his forehead, it is not so well rounded.
Ear is also little too big.
I hope that info is helpful
Here's the progress that I made today
and some practice that my professor suggested, just doing a model showing the planes of the head/face.
@DireWolf: Thanks! these are not my first sculpts however, just the first for a class.
Haven't updated in a while, here's what I'm working on right now. It's a portrait of John Dillinger.
WIP SCulpt:
Here's some orthographic views.
and a quick perspective shot.
Take a look at how the Scar head was sculpted.
You're focusing too much on those the eyes are "supposed" to look from the front and side, but you're forgetting it's a 3D shape that curves and flows. They look flat and drawn on because of this. For example, look at that Stephen Amel picture and the inner part of his eye.
That's a huge gap and recess that you're not putting into your sculpts. You're only doing a basic job of wrapping the eye around a sphere you put near where an eye should be, but not actually trying to understand the forms of the eye.
Try only sculpting the eyes from 3/4 angles, only use front and side to check final accuracy.
@dustinbrown: Thanks for the compliment. The Asaro head was just done as practice. All of the heads that I have done have started from spheres and then just pulled the forms out.
I like your stuff partner. Keep it up. I'm not much for characters, so i cant offer the best critique.
Otherwise, keep up the great work!
I have around 30 reference images for the face, but here are the main ones that I'm using along with the reference for the pose that I'm going to be doing.
Here's where I'm at on the head sculpt, I think that it's looking pretty good, though there's something about the 3/4 view that doesn't look right.
and here are the five poses that I was deciding over, I ultimately went with number five
also, does anybody know if there is a way to use an already existing mannequin as a transpose object using transpose master. I ask because I have the pose set on a layer that I can turn off. Making the mannequin return to its default pose, and it would be awesome if I could just build the body over the mannequin and then pose it with that.
I hope that makes a little more sense.
Right now I'm working on fixing all the things that transpose master broke whilst posing it, then I will make sure that everything is anatomically correct. The hair is temporary and the table that she is sitting on will be cleaned up before it's all done.
Any C&C would be appreciated.
I've continued to tweak the model and work on the anatomy.
And here's a turntable that I rendered out.