Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's 'the THRONE ROOM'

THRONE ROOM - Throne of a lost kingdom - SleepyRosenborg

So this is where I will log my progress for the contest Throneroom.

I wanted to make a somewhat small throneroom for the ruling family of a lost kingdom, that has been abandoned which let the nature slowly reclaim it.

The room itself will be floored with big slabs of stone, with a dais at the end of the room where the thrones for the king, queen and heir stand. Great holes in the walls/roof will provide lighting and a few creeping vines and trees.

I haven't decided on the walls yet, but I think I will hold them somewhat simple to keep the focus on the throne and it's surrounding area.

The pictures show my general thought on the room and thrones, with the king's seat in the middle, with his queen to his right side and the heir to the left.



  • SleepyRosenborg
    So I started out by trying to block out the room in general and place my intended cameras to get a feel for how it would work out. As it is now I feel that the angles on the cameras can be deemed set, as they give a good look on the room and yield a pleasant composition, possibly aside from the "Floor" one.
    I used a random rotation-script on the floor-tiles to skew them just a bit, since it looked too uniform to be in disrepair, or even created by older civilizations.
    I plan to change the room itself next, as it now feels too cramped compare to what I had in mind, possibly raise the roof, change the angle of the back wall or simply space out the room itself, I'm not sure yet.

  • SleepyRosenborg

    Started refining the thrones and added the outer details. My initial design felt a bit underwhelming, so I extended it a bit, and before I make the high poly I think I'm going to make some inlayings into the core-part of the throne, to give it a few more sillouette-changing features.
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