#12, more than halfway there now! Very organic for a sword texture wich was new to me, and I probably should have made it more highpoly, especially around the mouth. Pretty pleased with the colours though!
Nr 11 and 13 are ace, but 12 could use some more contrast. Also, my eyes are drawn to the lower jaw of the sword. I think because it's more saturated. Might want to switch that over so the eye is drawn to the eye
Cool to keep this up man. Very interesting to see the progress through all these swords
#14, I made 2 versions of this, one with the brass- ornament- thingy painted on a flat blade, but that didnt look to nice. And this version, with the ornaments modeled. I feel the results as "meh", but this is pretty much as good as I could get it. Any tips welcome!
You really need to paint sharper highlights. Right now the blade looks like it's made from stone. You should also use more saturated colors. Make the textures pop!
In the concept it looks like the sword is covered in thick green vines. In your model it looks like it's covered in brass/gold stuff or just dead branches
yeah pigart, you are right about the highlight, I dunt know why I always wuss out with stuff like that :P
And I totally didnt think of it as vines, although it was tinted green. I just went with brass.
i think you could push your texturing further you seem to be whacking them out which is great but remember to actually analyze your work after and look at the bad and the good as atm it just looks like your churning them out and not really learning that much theres not a big jump from your first to your last and thats 17 odd different items imo
I disagree, Chimi Jimi. There was definitely progress in the middle there.
The "wolf-dragon-rhino sword", sword #9, is a really excellent example when compared to the first sword. The metal has strong gradients and there are awesome hue changes from green to blue over the length of the blade. The hilt details are strong and the glowing bits had excellent reflections. And those are only a few of the things that make it awesome.
In the last few swords, it does feel as though you have just been phoning it in. Compared to the concept, the swords seem to be lacking in detail and texture and are a lot less visually interesting, despite having cool designs.
I can see the improvement, the last one looks more solid too me! Maybe the handle lacks ''material'' compared to the blade etc. Little dents in the leather, stains etc.
Now that you're close to the end of this little project, I really suggest polishing more your next work, or maybe the last sword! I'm not saying these ones are bad, but I'm sure you can bring your work to a new level with a little more time
I hope when you take a break from these and feel refreshed that you re-visit #12. It seems half done almost, and although I don't know what texture resolution you're working with I think you could really do a lot more with the flesh bits. Only trying to guess where your UVs are laid out for it, I think you could give the eye a bit more size. Looking at the swords that came after 12, it looks like you've come leaps and bounds with faking shading and lighting in your painting. I think you could add more shadows or darker values around the edges of the eye, where the lid would create shadows, and I think seeing veins in the eyes, if only around the edges, would help make it pop. Same with the skin; I think you could push veins in certain areas and work on the shading and color variation in the skin, especially where the flesh is pulled away from the bone blade. Right now, it looks like the skin is just painted over it, instead of it actually being stretched across it. I'm not sure what your workflow is, but you can always work x2 bigger, then scale down the texture to a more usable size. That would give you a bit sharper detail than just painting at your original resolution and getting pixelation while painting.
Cool to keep this up man. Very interesting to see the progress through all these swords
In the concept it looks like the sword is covered in thick green vines. In your model it looks like it's covered in brass/gold stuff or just dead branches
And I totally didnt think of it as vines, although it was tinted green. I just went with brass.
And le0tard, dont give up !
Can´t wait to see the next batch. För Odin!
The "wolf-dragon-rhino sword", sword #9, is a really excellent example when compared to the first sword. The metal has strong gradients and there are awesome hue changes from green to blue over the length of the blade. The hilt details are strong and the glowing bits had excellent reflections. And those are only a few of the things that make it awesome.
In the last few swords, it does feel as though you have just been phoning it in. Compared to the concept, the swords seem to be lacking in detail and texture and are a lot less visually interesting, despite having cool designs.
Now that you're close to the end of this little project, I really suggest polishing more your next work, or maybe the last sword! I'm not saying these ones are bad, but I'm sure you can bring your work to a new level with a little more time
Keep it up!
I can see the progression as well, you are doing a great job. Might I add a very fast one as well.