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Tabris angel character

polycounter lvl 3
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gyuladzsi polycounter lvl 3
Hello PC,

This is the progress on my current porfolio piece, currently with the hp sculpt in progress.

I wanted to try something outside my usual purvey, so after a lot of looking around I went with this neat fantasy piece by yuchenghong:

The goal is to make a "next-gen" spec game model to render in TB2

So, here's where I've gotten so far, everything's there and blocked out, now heading into the refinement phase, so I'd love to hear thoughts on what I've got set up.

The wings are absent, I think I'll do them similar to hair (a few HP source feathers duped to make the whole things). I may end up using micromesh on the LP wings for my final sculpt renders, since the wings will never really exist as a full HP model.
Here's the face. Apologies for the hair, its just a place holder since the final will of course be poly strips

The hammer is mostly there as well, it needs a few more detail bits and probably some little design changes.

I think the next thing I'll be diving more into is the shoes, they generally look shitty but I do like some bits of the design, so figuring that out is the next project.

I'd appreciate anatomy crits, especially on the arms/hands which always give me grief, but all feedback will be appreciated.

Thanks for looking


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