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Bispoke outputs / Customisation's - Unity

polycounter lvl 10
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StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
Just wanted to get a bit of information about what kind of, if any, bispoke custom, outputs or shaders can be added into substance / unity pipeline.

The example that comes to mind is painted car surfaces, these are very complex surfaces and in the past we have created quite complex, bispoke shaders in unity to deal with car paint, with reflections, colour speculars, clear coats, decals and all sorts of other goodies.

In short creating top top quality car shaders is far more complex that the classic PBR setup of albedo, metal, roughness- if wanted to add an extra output into substance for say, clear coat to give a secondary layer of specular is that something that we could add to substance or would it be something far more script based on the unity end?

Is it possible to create our own substance shader within unity to cater for the pretty bispoke maps we want to see on our cars or would be be a matter of adding scripts to a substance material in unity to for outputs to do other things?

Or perhaps a substance "material" that we can pick over the two current PBR options... metalness + gloss/spec

I can see a lot of potential for substance and am just curious how we can get the results we want for our vehicles.

Many thanks!


  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    A quick secondary question

    I'm a bit confused on how I would go about combining several grey scale texture maps into one output > image. In unreal you could expose the RGBA channels in a node, plug in a selection of different masks and then spit those out into spec/roughness/AO for example

    Below I've selected the output node and added a selection of "usage" properties and given each a colour channel. I expected this to give the output node several points to plug in different grey scale maps but not much luck. I'm guessing there could be a node else where to get the effect I'm looking for.

    I tried creating a RGBA Merge but not much luck :(

  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    Your substance can have as many outputs as you want. If you want a clearcoat texture, simply create an output node for it and it will appear in Unreal.

    As for packing images in a RGB, look for the RGBA merge node in the library, under Channels. This will allow you to combien maps into a single RGBA image.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    If I only have two outputs in the scene. One with diffuse(rgb) opacity(A) and the other Specular(R) Gloss(G) AO(B) should it work in the 3D view in substance or will you only see the results of the output textures once your back in unity? At first glance nether and RGB combined texture as shown above nor opacity worked in the 3D view with the pbr spec/gloss material.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    The 3d view will need the regular separated outputs. We are working on bringing a Unity 5 shader to SD so that you can use the packed textures directly.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the feedback Jerc and keep up the great work with the tutorials slowly getting through them but some real quality stuff there :)
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