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2 Monitors- Good for your eyes?

polycounter lvl 9
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Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
I have 1 monitor so far 1680*1050px 22 inches LCD TN samsung. Im thinking abotu buying new monitor, probably 24 inches TB 1980*something px, some normal monitor (nothing profesional too expensive) to use next to mine current. I have question if using 2 monitors (different ones, different resolution and different screen width (22 inches vs 24 inches) is better for human eyes or worse than 1 monitor solution, becuse i thought that 2 monitors are worse (since more (twice) "lcd light" radiation or "whatever" hits your eyes), but friend told me that having more monitors is actually better for your eyes, since when looking "back and forward" from each to the other one, your eyes are "refocusing" (or something) and its actually healthier for them.

So are 2 monitors better then one for ones health (eye health, sight etc.)?


  • WarrenM
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    I wouldn't spend a lot of time over analyzing the health benefits. More screen real estate makes you more productive, in my experience...
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I don't know specifically about the health benefits or drawbacks, or if there even are any, but I know for a fact that I'm more productive with multiple monitors.

    I currently have two monitors and a Cintiq, and the ability to switch between different programs without having to constantly Alt+Tab is extremely convenient and saves tons of time. It's also very, very handy when looking at reference images, working on textures, and adjusting skinning on characters. If I'm ever in a situation where I'm using a single monitor at work, I simply bring an additional one in to make life easier.
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Get some Gunnar or other brand glasses. Problem solved. They work so well and make the eyes feel so good I ended buying around 4 pairs. In short I vouch for their effectiveness at reducing/reflecting the harmful effects of staring into LCD screens hours on end.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 9
    There's eye strain from looking at these screens which is a temporary issue, and can be solved by simply taking breaks or wearing Gunnar's or something, and then there's the real problem of your eyesight slowly deteriorating because you spend all day focusing at a fixed location. Having different monitor resolutions isn't going to have any impact on this, and having two monitors probably won't either, unless one of your monitors is right near your face and the other one is across the room. Chances are the focus distance will be approximately the same.

    So in other words, I don't think it will either help or hurt your eyes, but it will probably speed up your workflow. I have two monitors at home, 3 at work.
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