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Orc Armory Structure

polycounter lvl 4
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Ranko polycounter lvl 4
My idea of what a new warcraft RTS could look like. Comments and crits are welcome ;)


  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    owwee! THis looks nice! You mind posting a breakdown?
    I'm trying to find something wrong with this, but I am having the hardest time.
  • Zelfit
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    Zelfit polycounter lvl 8
    Looks orcish as hell. Excellent job
  • atomander
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    atomander polycounter lvl 7
    Very cool! Great silhouette, the form feels really chunky/solid and fits with the WC orc look. Only a few thoughts:

    1. As an RTS building, maybe the player color should be more pronounced. The red roof is good, but gets a little lost from some angles. Maybe red banners or additional accents?

    2. Without your title, I wouldn't be sure what the purpose of the building was. Can you add any visual clues that might indicate its an armory?

    Cool stuff, hope you keep posting!
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    Fantastic work, I love the design of the structure. Mind posting some texture flats?
  • Ranko
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    Ranko polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you everyone :)
    @ atomander.. to be honest I had no idea what the purpose would be, I just really liked the shape :p
    The whole scene is around 25k tris and textures are 1024.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Modelling and texturing are looking really solid. Presentation wise, My eye is really being drawn to your base over your house which is a bit of a problem. I think making it broader so that your house is in a larger neutral area, rather than fighting against the detail of the rocks would help, and would also fix the fact that you've got a few points that are currently hanging in space or clinging precariously to the edges of rocks.

    Knocking the colour of the rocks back to a more neutral and perhaps cooler colour is also likely to help.

    You've got a nice model going here, you just need a few tweaks to really show it off.
  • Ranko
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    Ranko polycounter lvl 4
    Yeah those are good points, thanks! Honestly I think having a simpler base would benefit the model more.
    Offline / Send Message
    Hello Ranko
    This is really how Warcraft 4 should look like, great job! :smile: I am a big fan of Warcraft 3.
    I am a begginer in modeling, and I have a few questions about you work.
    Of how many separate models is this scene made? How do you make such convincing cliff models, from what shape/body do you start modeling them?

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