Hi guyz, i'm training human anatomy in zBrush
Starting from scratch everytime
Also I want to give me a timer, since i'm working all day I don't have so much time in the evening.
Today's timer was 1 hour.
Not that great at the end, I take this one like a warm-up !
Always looking for advices,
Hope i'll do better next time.

See you tomorrow

Today only had time for 1 hours study on torso
Early morning sculpt, about 40min
Looks like youre getting a good start on all of these. Maybe you should take one to the end?
Keep it up though
with some kewl keyshot render
Still have a lots of trouble with the connection between the deltoide / arm and the pec
And abs also look weird
some update !
So I think It's getting better, using the claytube brush just make thing kewler
You can't spam your own sketchbook. Post as much as you want to in it!
Thanks for the feedback !
I think learning how to make good head won't be easy
He's a 32 y.o ex drug addict who came on earth to find love.
Some zbrush render passes in photoshop and tadaaa
Feel free to give feedback !
Maybe consider indicating some more of the bony landmarks, like the acromion process on the shoulder or the 7th cervical vertabra on the back.
Yes from a sphere every time, thanks for the feedback really appreciated, I'll look for thoses landmarks
The head of your sculpt before that could use a bit more volume on the parietal bone, though. Looks a bit too much egg-shaped, like this.
Good improvement, keep it up.
Found some time this morning to try to make a head, trying to set up some planes
didn't work
Quick Test on the legs, I'm goin to leave this guy at the moment to focus more on the head.
feel free to give feedback !
I did this head study tonight, about 1hours and a half from a sphere,
Feel free to give any feedback !
I've just finish a likeness of my dad and my first attempt to do a realistic portrait.
I used zbrush for modelling the head and the clothes, zbrush / mudbox / photoshop for texturing, V-ray for rendering using the VrayFastSSS2 Material for the skin and final composition in Nuke
You should probably open up a thread for finished pieces like this inside the '3D Art Showcase & Critiques' forum, especially if you want more feedback. People tend to be there more often, as far as I know.
it's a female version of captain america !
feel free to give any feedback !
About the hair I actually use only Maya nhair, it was a real pain with fibermesh, So I just create curve by hand and there is an attribut call " Braid " that allowed you to create the Braid effect ( thanks Mr Obdivious! )
Yeah I should have work more on the ear afterwards
I rendered it in V-ray and did some tweak in photoshop.
Some little stuff !
Just another speed sculpt/polypaint/render
Here's a rework of my Muay thai Lee Sin !
Here's the artstation :smile: