Hey there everyone. This post is a little different than what I usually post on here, but I figured I'd share since I've been keeping this list for a little while.
A couple months back I started up on the twitter train and found it of enormous use for networking as well as keeping up with the companies I am looking to some day be employed by. Plenty of recruiters for those companies look at twitter and tend to lend tips and advice on things to avoid or try and do while submitting resumes/portfolios to companies.
The place I am looking to work at most (Blizzard) is no exception to this, and twitter user
@Catastrophye is a recruiter there who shares plenty of advice on her wall. I have taken time to compile most of the useful tips she's listed over the last few months. Some of these might come across as sort of obvious, others were a little less so for me.
Whatever the case, I figured I could start this thread as a running list of different tips and advice anyone comes across on twitter or otherwise that could be listed in a bite-sized bullet.
(For the sake of privacy, I am only going to list users under their twitter handles.)
Recruiter Twitter Tips:
-Reminder! A general greeting on your cover letter is better than addressing someone who may not be involved in hiring that job at all!
- Partial credit doesnt count in-game OR on your application. Submit ALL the required Quest Items!
- Did you know "PERspective" and "PROspective" mean entirely different things?
- No white space. Or using inconsistent formatting.
#CommonApplicationErrors My eyes... they burn!!!!
- Crazy long file names I must use the Rosetta Stone to decipher.
#CommonApplicationErrors "First Name LastName Resume" = easy to find later.
- No contact info on resume or cover letter.
#CommonApplicationErrors I excel at stalking but just don't have the time. Make it easier!
- Unprofessional or unreadable fonts, yikes!
#CommonApplicationErrors Lots of grey area here in our industry but at least ditch Comic Sans.
- InternTip: Read emails thoroughly! Asking questions already answered earlier in an email chain makes folks wonder what else you're missing.
- I appreciate the offer but you probably shouldn't have "attached my resume to this massage."
- "no hiring really happens in December"-- at
#Blizzard a complete, total and utter myth:
http://jobs.blizzard.com #gamejobs
So. I'll update this list every once in a while when I see a new tip that I like, or think is useful. Feel free to do the same. I also want to point out that I'm not promoting going to the recruiter's twitter and badgering them about a job, but I know you guys know that.
Thanks Everyone, and hope this helps.