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Software Idea needs direction & talent


I have created this prototype of my idea and need talent & direction to get it off the ground.

*The model & vectors are not my own, but the design is my own concept although I have noticed similarities with other ideas out there. There is more depth to this Idea but I feel like I need just to get started.

I need professional or talented help please. I was on other sites for help & it just did not go well. I'm just frustrated at the moment, sry.

I am just learning the 3d world, so I am not well versed.

I need to know what this project will require. Will it require 3D engine & programming to create it all, or combination of programs?

I am aware I need:
3D models
3D clothing
3D background/environment
programming, rigging & animation
Designer for buttons?GUI?

Once I understand all what I need I am looking for SKILLED talent to hire. I saw that PMs must be sent to discuss freelance projects.

I am looking for models like in the image or similar to:


I like many concepts from Blade & Soul. I understand it is Unreal Engine 3. Thanks in advance for the help/advice. I'm aware it is a big project.
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