I know there is InsertMesh and subtract with DynaMesh and Reprojection but that is all too imprecise for my taste, here is what I mean:

I tried to split them: First sub Dynamesh on the right side with a simple insert mesh box, then sub Dynamesh on the left side with a simple box and the mesh previously duplicated. I made that very precise yet I get this very imprecise, jaggy and distorted edge. I could up the resolution but it will be still a problem.
I like to to use it mainly for 3D printing stuff in parts, I know the prints will far from precise but with that rough split it would make it even worse to glue things back together. I could use 3DsMax boolean but since that is tricky, crash happy and can take ages with high poly meshes I would rather not do that.
Right and then cap holes, that should be the best way to do that. Still would be great to be able to do proper boolean in Zbrush.
That looks great! Should be then the best for slice cuts.
Still boolean subtraction would be nice to have, for instance for making perfect eye sockets so I can print the eyes separately and put them in. Dynamesh sub would work but also smooth out that whole model again.