Hey all,
Just finished my playthrough of Dragon Age Inquisition, and it got me thinking about some older RPGs in my collection, and how much fun they were. RPGs are what inspired me to work in the videogame industry, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Here's my Top 10 list of RPGs that inspired me as I was growing up.
10: Secret of Mana
9: Xenogears
8: Lunar The Silver Star
7: Final Fantasy Tactics
6: Breath of Fire IV
5: Shining Force
4: Chrono Trigger
3: Suikoden II
2: Final Fantasy VI
1: Phantasy Star
There are so many great RPGs out there. What tickles your fancy??
2- final fantasy tactics
3- ffvii
4- lunar silver star story complete
5- tales of destiny
6- ffviii
7- chrono trigger
8- paper Mario
9- breath of fire iii
10- ffx
11- vagrant story
2: Final fantasy Tactics
3: Legend of Dragoon
4: Neverwinter Nights
5: Vagrant Story
6: Planescape Torment
7: Final Fantasy X
8: Star Ocean
9: Baldur's Gate 2
10: TES Morrowind
2 - Dragon Age (Series)
3 - Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
4 - The Witcher (Series)
5 - Final Fantasy VIII
6 - Lost Odyssey
7 - Shadowrun (the original but "Returns" is pretty awesome too)
8 - Deus Ex (Original and Human Revolution)
9 - The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind to Skyrim)
10 - Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning
9: Fallout 2
8: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
7: Dungeon Siege (don't judge me, I like games with no loading screens)
6: Divinity: Original Sin
5: Chrono Trigger
4: Wasteland 2
3: Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
2: Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Possibly the best terrible game I've ever played.
1: Planescape: Torment
I'm extremely happy to be putting some newer games on this list. 2014 was a great year for CRPGs, and I hope that the CRPG trend continues.
2. Daggerfall
3. Dungeon Master
4. Chrono Trigger
5. Dark Souls
6. King's Field
7. Baldur's Gate
8. Secret of Mana
9. Secret of Evermore
10. Final Fantasy
In no real order...
9. Mother series
8.Seiken Densetsu 3 and onward
7.Chrono Series
6. Dragon Quest series
5.Mario RPG
4. Paper Mario series
3.Mario and Luigi RPG series
2. Arc the Lad II
1. Makai Kingdom
I enjoy final fantasies but for some reason I enjoyed the others more.
I just realized with the exception of dragon quest these are all 2D games, wow.
1: Grandia 2
2: (putting in Action RPGs) Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
3: Final Fantasy 1
4: Zelda 64
5: Final Fantasy 6
6: Grandia 3
7: Maybe Final Fantasy 7?
8: D&D?
1. Mass Effect 2
Best in the series imo
2. Morrowind
It changed my life, it really did. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WILL THE SWORD PLEASE HIT THE RAT
3. Oblivion
Fuck dem gates, and would someone please throw a bucket of water on Kvatch already
4. Skyrim
Fus-ro-ah hell, best combat in the elder scrolls so far and I still find quests in the game I never even started... If only I could wear ugly asymmetrical armor like the morrowind days...
5. Fallout 3
Pew pew oblivion with guns! I'm beginning to notice a pattern here...
6. Fallout New Vegas
Pew pew even better combat, more weapons, and more dialogue choices! I do miss the environments of 3 and the brotherhood of steel not being a bunch of pricks though.
7. Fable 1
Chicken chaser!
8. Mount & Blade
I still love the size of the combat in this game, and my god the first time I was chased by a pack of 30 bandits across the desert on horses...
9. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask
Fuck you water temple, fuck you twice
10. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I'm torn between Shadows of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat, but all three have taught me you can survive any amount of radiation as long as you drink enough vodka!
Oh.. and the witcher series, deus ex, and GTA San Andreas, cause grove street 4 life!
5.Fallout 3
6.Deception III: Dark Delusion
7.Vagrant Story
8-10 ??? All I can think of at the moment, and/or need to play more RPGs...
1. FF VI
2. Chrono Cross
3. FF IV
4. Secret of Mana
6. Chrono Trigger
7. Arcana
8. Xenosaga Ep 1
9. FF IX
10. Breath of Fire 4
Final Fantasy 4 would be number 1 out of nostalgia, as that game really sucked me in and got me into rpgs for the future. The original Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior would be honorable mentions, as both of those were my entry points into the genre.
Really surprised no one else has put Chrono Cross down.
4.Vampire: Bloodlines
5.Fallout 2
6.The Witcher
7.Baldur's Gate 2
That'll do for now. I suppose I could throw Mass Effect in there somewhere at the end until I remember something better. Really need to get onto playing Wasteland 2.
not exactly 'older' games or cRPG's exclusively... but they're what I know. Looking forward to Pillars of Eternity for a modern cRPG though.
Also surprised to see a mention of EYE: Divine Cybermancy. That's a strange and wonderful game. Honourable mentions to Zeno Clash, Mirror's Edge, Penumbra, Amnesia...
Suikoden 2. ( because I played that recently)
Witcher 2.
Lost Odyssey.
Tales of Destiny 2.
2.EarthBound"Mother 2".
3.Chrono Trigger.
4.Secret of Evermore.(need to play the other secret games)
5.Dark Souls.
6.Fallout 1(didn't get a chance to play the others yet).
7.Diablo II.
8.Laxius Power III.
2. Ultima Underworld : Labyrinth Of Worlds
3. Planescape Torment
4. Deus Ex : Human Revolution
5. Ishar 2
6. Eye of the Beholder 2
7. Final Fantasy 7
8. Might and Magic 6
9. Fallout 1
10. Fallout 2
Planescape Torment
The Witcher 1
Ultima 6 & Ultima 5 (which are quiet similar)
Skyrim (Oblivion comes close)
Dragon Age II - (I didn't play III enough to decide, and II had more fun NPCs than I)
Mass Effect - take your pick, they're all good
Lands of Lore (or Grimrock or Eye of the Beholder - they're all quite similar and equally fun - just love Westwood's graphics)
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (more of an adventure, but still...)
Neverwinter nights + some friends + a kickass DM for multiplayer
(Ultima Online pre UO:R - best sandbox RPG ever. puts Skyrim to shame with all the things you can do there
Bloodlines, that writing.
1. persona 3 portable
2. persona 4
3. xenosaga 3
4. FFX
5. muramasa
6. odin sphere
7. valkyrie profile 2
Baldur's Gate(s)
Mass Effect(s)
Dragon Age(s)
Knights of the Old Republic
Neverwinter Nights
Borderlands Series
Zelda Windwaker
2) Diablo 2
3) Gothic
4) Gothic 2
5) Elder Scrolls 5
6) Elder Scrolls 3
7) Baldurs Gate 2
8) Fallout 2
9) Planescape Torment
10) Gorky 17
2. Gothic 2
3. Baldurs Gate 2
4. Skyrim
5. Consortium
6. Dragon Age Origins
7. Dues Ex: Human Revolution
8. Mass Effect
9. Dungeon Siege 1
10. Maybe Risen 2....
Might & Magic 3 (Oh god am I that old?)
Ishar 3
Eye of the Beholder
Fallout 3
S.T.A.L.K.E.R with mods
Diablo 1
Bard's tale (the first one, not the remake)
2. Legend of Zelda - Link to the Past
3. Final Fantasy 8
4. Dungeon Siege 1
5. Icewind Dale
6. Baldurs Gate
7. Planescape: Tormet
8. Chrono Trigger
9. Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
10. Final Fantasy 9
Really haven't played that many RPGs as got older...
4. Deus Ex 1 (Story is brilliant and Gameplay too)
3. Gothic 2 + Addon (best from the Series)
4. System Shock 2 ( "I can seee you" *horror*)
5. The Witcher (Playing not the own char, good decision)
6. TES Morrowind ( a real Fantasy World better then Ovlivion/Skyrim)
7. Dark Souls (GAMEPLAY and Lore)
8. Gothic (have someone a Ulumulu =D )
9. Arx Fatalis (the Cast System was fabluous and nice Cave World)
10. Many other Party RPGS like BG2, Final Fantasy 7-8, or Open World Games Like Fallout 3, Gothic 3 etc. ...
I see a big difference between People with Party and non Party Games in the List.
MY CLASSIC! LOD fans will prevail!
Beat me to it. But yeah, some of ya'll I don't think know what an RPG is...;)
Legend of Dragoon has always been on my list to revisit. I had it when it first came out, but never really got into it and abandoned it fairly early on.
You should play Ultima Underword 1 & 2. Arx Fatalis was a next-gen (at that time
Most of my childhood is square-enix/squaresoft apparently.
2. Dark Souls
3. Tales of Symphonia
4. WoW
5. Skyrim
6. Divinty Original Sin
The others are probably more like action adventures or something:
7. Dishonored
8. GTA 4
9. Batman Arkham City
10. Darksiders
1. Persona 4 Golden
2. Persona 3
3. Final Fantasy XIII trilogy
4. Mass Effect
5. Fallout 3
There are dozen other RPGs I really like, but I can't list them in any particular order...
1. FFX
2. Fallout 1.
3. Legend of Grimrock
4. The Witcher series
5. Anvil of Down
6. Forgotten Realms. Menzoberranzan
7. VtM: Redemption
8. Septerra Core
9. Persona 3
10. Shadow Hearts: From the New World
2. Mass Effect 1 (From the first trailer I knew I'd love this game. Bioware has an amazing track record and this game didn't disappoint. The series was never able to nail the balance between action and heavy RPG from the first, but as a whole the Mass Effect games are top notch. Never finished 3 my Xbox died on me)
3. Chrono Trigger (The only game on the list tied with Final Fantasy VII for how many times I played it. It never gets old. The definition of a Classic)
4. Knight of the Old Republic (I think this was my first Bioware game. I almost took it back when I realized it was turned based. Thank god I stuck with it. I don't even like Star Wars yet this game is a must play for any RPG fan)
5. Super Mario RPG (They had me at Square and Mario. I remember the graphics being amazing for the time and the game play being incredibly smooth)
6. Jade Empire (As a fan of kung fu flicks and lore I was pumped for this game. Bioware did not let me down. Hell for the unique style and setting alone I had to add this to the list)
7. Mass Effect 2 (I always wonder how I would view this game without the press tour. I felt I knew all the crew and their stories before the game was even released. It caused me to be pumped at first but by the end I realized all the special moments that didn't resonate. Even with the above mentioned this game is still great. The combat improvements were much needed. I just wish they hadn't stripped the hardcore RPG elements! Also Mako>Mining)
8. Skyrim (This game would be much higher on my list, but CD Projekt Red killed a lot of the illusion. Something always felt a little off, but when they made the comments about actions not impacting the world, a light went off. That being said the art style is impeccable. This is still probably the most engrossing open world I've ever played in a game to date. I never used fast travel, so I could soak up the environment in all it's glory. I like this game a lot, but I want to love it!)
9. Pokemon (The first and only one I played was Red it was around the time I stopped playing handheld games. Genius concept, it was a simple yet addicting. I can only imagine how complicated they are now. As long as their are video games this series will be around)
10. Secret of Mana (I enjoyed it a lot when I first played it. Especially, since you could play it with more than one person. I haven't had the desire to play it again solo though)
As a side note not owning a PS One cut down the amount of RPG games I have played. It was my favorite genre at one point. I really want to play the Witcher series. I wonder where it would rank on my list.
1- Bravely Default [Do i really need to comment that ? This game remember me i loved rpg after few years of avoiding them]
2- Eternal Sonata [Guilty pleasure I guess, i know lot of people hated it, I don't get why, The combat system is nice, the game is beautiful, the story is really great especially all the hidden psychology behind it. and the music
3 - Baten Kaitos; Eternal Wings and the lost ocean [Not the second one bweh :<]
After that it's just too hard to rate them i guess.
Fire Emblem
Valkyria Chronicles
Radiant Historia
Secret of Mana
Shin Megami Tensei [Most of them, P3
Bonus: Pokemon [who doesn't love pokemon, be honest with your inner kid, we loveeeeee pokemon.]
There is a serious problem when a studio with less funding makes a more visually appealing game with a better storyline than the main series. Compare R/S/E to the mystery dungeon.
The designs of the new monsters are most interesting indeed, however the battle mechanics and graphics presented in these new games were possible on a normal DS 10 years ago. It always seems as though this series can get by easily without pushing the envelope and that's no good.
2. Baldur's Gate: a classic, 'nuff said
3. Planescape Torment: the writing and the setting! holy cow! It turned all the RPG tropes on it's head and predated the movie "Memento" for the amnesiac hero with clues to his past self tattoo'd all over his body.
4. Legend of Zelda Windwaker: lovely art style and charm and the last boss fight really made you feel like a hero.
5. Shadowrun for the SNES: I was a huge Shadowrun fan as a kid but I didn't have anyone to play the tabletop game with. Awesome music, a really unique setting and moral ambiguity really made it stand out to me.
6. Icewind Dale: I was a huge fan of the Icewind Dale trilogy books as a kid so I loved the setting.
7. Elder Scrolls Skyrim: Fixed the crappy stuff with Oblivion plus more of a impetus moving the story along than Morrowind. I didn't have a strong enough computer to run Daggerfall and Arena was just too hard for me; so that's my Elder Scrolls list.
8. Fallout 3: Fallout in 3D! And I just happened to live near DC at the time so I earned the right to grumble "Fairfax doesn't have an underground metro station!! It's above ground!". They did get the general DC metro station look right though.
9. Final Fantasy X: awkward laughing scene aside, we get a hero with daddy issues and a tragic story arc who isn't a mopey emo jackass like Cloud or Squall. Auron is a bad-ass too.
10. Final Fantasy XII: cool combat system that solves the annoying random encounter problem of JRPGs and some interesting characters but a convoluted story that really falls apart in the third act.
Runner up. Shadowrun Returns: Nostalgia mode, activate! Hearing some of the classic tunes re-imagined and the return of Jake Armitage was great. The game felt a little too easy though.
Pokemon: I think I'm too old for it, I was 18 when it launched and I didn't own any gameboy systems till I was about 24.
2: Pagan ultima 8.
3: Fallout 3
4: fallout 3; New Vagas.
5: TES 2: Daggerfall
6: Mass Effect 2
7: Dishonoured.
8: Deus Ex human revolution
9: Skyrim
10: Mass Effect 1
Thats it. Some are more action adventureish but ya...
Have you try XY or OmegaRuby alpha sapphire ?
Because Diamond/plat/perl/white/black were meh, I didn't even play Black and white. but the XY and ORAS are really amazing ! they had so much stuff, XY made a lot of people start playing pokemon again after many years.
...and a bit too short. I'm just playing dragonfall and it's really very well made. Also, it's one of those retro games where retro doesn't automatically translate into "pixel-art".
2. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
3. Fallout 2/3
4. Mass Effect 2
5. Skyrim
6. Neverwinter Nights 1-2
7. Diablo 2
8. Dungeon Siege (first 2 were great)
9. Baldurs Gate (didn't finish though)
10. Gothic
Need to get into Witcher some time.
2. Dark Souls
3. Diablo 2
4. Star Flight
5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
6. Fallout 2
7. Dark Souls 2
8. Borderlands
9. Fallout: new Vegas
10. The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
(I guess I'm kind of a TES and Souls fanboy)
2) Vandal Hearts
3) Chrono Trigger
4)Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter
5)Shadow Hearts
6)Final Fantasy Tactics
7)Final fantasy X
8) Vandal Hearts 2
9) Shadow Hearts 2
10)Persona 3
Honorable mention: Shin Megami tensei, Mass Effect 2, Valkarie Chronicles and KOTOR
Why do I have to choose!
There are so many RPG's that I haven't heard off! Time to check them out!
That was a really good game but crono trigger knocked it off the list for me.
Kinda sad to see that like 3/4 of peoples lists are games released over a decade ago
Blond: There was a rumor that Sony was working on a new entry in the Legend of Dragoon series for PS4. But, its just a rumor. Would be nice though, that game rocked!
Why? Games haven't gotten better in general, they've only gotten more pandering. And just because something is newer definitely does not make it better.
I'm pretty sad to see a lot of the classics being missed, but I realize that most people are going to post the games they grew up with, since those likely had a bigger impact, which is just fine, I did the same thing.
Except for Xenogears. I seriously do not see the reasoning for Xenogears not being #1 on every list. But like I said, I'm biased, so is everyone.
I'd also argue RPGs have gotten better for everything except JRPGs
Actually getting out of college seriously cut down my time available for gaming.
However there's also been a shift in RPGs. While old school RPGs are primarily turn based, newer ones are mostly action oriented / real time. Just compare Mass Effect or the Witcher 2 with e.g Shadowrun Returns or Grimrock. Both are RPGs, both very different when it comes to mechanics.
They certainly became something that I find very hard to care about.
Perhaps last 10 years were a great period if you're into TPP action RPGs or FPS-RPG hybrids.
For fans of RPGs in the style of Black Isle games, Troika etc it was absolutely horrible period.
Which still continues but the kickstarter stuff brings me some hope.