Hey guys,
I'm trying to do a quick cloth sim to just get some nice cloth distortion and save me the trouble of sculpting it in Zbrush.
I've made a spline with a sweep modifier that cloth is to drape on, the spline always acts like it's collision mesh is far bigger than itself:

I'm in SP2.
My steps to try and fix this so far have been:
- use turn to poly
- convert to editable poly
- reset xform
- push modifier with a negative value
- creating a box and attaching the spline to it
Cloth works perfectly fine with poly objects, just not when it's a spline converted to poly.
Everything was default, nothing particularly elaborate:

I've found that messing with the offset value in object properties gets the cloth closer to the object. 0 Offset refuses to simulate but 0.2 doesn't, 0.1 is close but clips through the collision object in certain areas. It's not a perfect solution but it will do for now.
'Nother edit:
It's doing it with poly objects now

I think it's to do with the complexity.