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Intergalactic BBoy Supreme Abduct One (WIP)

Hi! First thread, thanks for stopping by. So, Aliens are fun...

I sketched this one out based on descriptions of small greys and the Roswell shots. His ride and setting are courtesy of a (Maya Visual Effects The Innovators Guide) tut.



It occurred to me the problem with this whole hive mind thing is a serious lack of individual flavour. Personally, I speculate aliens visit for the gear.

High poly model with each accessory as a separate subtool.



At this point I know Abduct is going to be too much fun to just pose for a still.
Pity it isn't as simple as merging subtools..



Maybe I'll Zremesh the whole thing, project the detail back on and save myself painting blend shapes on every item of clothing at the animation stage.



Nope. I wasn't happy with the results of the Projection and decided to remesh the accessories individually. Sketched out a guide for the polyflow. Maybe he'll get a clique this way.



Tried out ZRemesh instead of drawing out the geometry with a ZSphere this time. More geometry than I would have used, but fast! Bit mangled where I dynameshed new hands onto the model. (No, they weren't from BadKing)





Felt like a break from ZBrush - exported the base meshes out to Maya and gave homeboy a rig. Will come back for the Hi Res details later.



Dropped my main humanoid into MotionBuilder, the scale was small enough to cause problems with the rigged reference. I applied the rig to (a copy of) the model directly, rescaled everything in Maya, went back and tested the rig with breakdance performance capture data I had sourced earlier.

Playblast. No weights yet. No hand or facial animation. Raw mocap on a blinn.

Playblast HERE.

Bind settings:



Bound his accessories to the rig and tried out some more moves. I've left his chain off, will let Dynamics take care of that. The rig peeking through is the MotionBuilder control rig I plotted the raw animation to before export.

Playblast HERE. Can I embed video up in here?


So much to do! Cleaning up the performance footage ATM, weights to paint, displacement maps, fine detail.. I should really figure how to make a buck out of this. Vinyl figurines maybe..

Looking forward to seeing the work realized as a short animation for the reel in the near future, also seriously considering chopping up the performance data into animation cycles for an interactive Unity work. Could also be a good introduction to Unreal, that side of the project might have to wait though.

This is the first time I've wandered through this part of the pipeline without having a clear outcome in mind, you can probably tell I've let the work guide the piece. It's raised a lot of questions in my mind about how to navigate between these apps efficiently. Fairly certain my unstructured workflow is going to cost me time down the track.. somewhere.

Thanks for looking - time to get back to it! Really looking forward to your feedback!



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