Hello there polycounters !
Well well, I have an advice to ask you about how you guys handle polygons backface. To save some polys and avoid very thin pieces of geometry (which I think is risky on display due to zdepth) I chose to model only one side of the colar pieces.
It displays fine when well oriented to the camera, but when on the wrong angle, then it just gets invisible ...
I knew it would do that, but didn't expect it to be that annoying ...

Well it's a character meant to be used in unity ... I've tried some double sided shaders but it's not convincing ...
So how do you guys do when you meet a model with that kind of shape ? model it all ? use a special shader ? use another technique ?
Thank's in advance,
Kind Regards

For this design it might be cool if you push the collar out a bit so you can see that extra work