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[MaxScript] miauu's Polyline

polycounter lvl 14
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miauu polycounter lvl 14

miauu's Polyline
allows you to create splines precisely with measurements and angles. Now precision spline modeilng is easy and faster.
Create splines using:
- Ortho mode - it constrains drawn lines to the horizontal or the vertical
- Polar Mode - it constrain your cursor movement into predefined angles
- Freehand mode - create points without any constraints
- Arc mode - create an arc that is a part of the current spline

Use command line or dynamic input fields to enter coordinates and all other possible commands.


This is a commersial script. You can find more information here.


  • RappyBMX
    Awesome, maybe add next to angle snap 'position precision decimals'... something like:
    pos = 1.12325
    -- 1.12325
    pos = (floor ((pos * 1000.) + .5)) / 1000.
    -- 1.123
    pos = (floor ((pos * 100.) + .5)) / 100.
    -- 1.12
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    RappyBMX wrote: »
    Awesome, maybe add next to angle snap 'position precision decimals'... something like:
    pos = 1.12325
    -- 1.12325
    pos = (floor ((pos * 1000.) + .5)) / 1000.
    -- 1.123
    pos = (floor ((pos * 100.) + .5)) / 100.
    -- 1.12
    There will be improvements and new features in the next version. This(for position and deltas also) will be one of them.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    cptSwing wrote: »
    Looks great.
    Thank you. :)
  • mLichy
    This is awesome! Are you using the gw? drawing methods to do the arcs and gizmo overlay stuff?
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Yep, all overlay stuff(arcs to show the angle, protractor, lines to show the length of the segments) are gw.
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    This must be useful for people doing motion graphics and GUI work.
    Miauu always delivers.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Polyline is updated to version 1.2

    - Added UI to choose what to do when you want to finish drawing of the spline. When you are ready with the spline creation click with the right mouse button and UI will be shown. You can choose to:
    - close the spline and start drawing new spline
    - close the spline and start drawing new attached spline
    - close the spline and exit
    - exit(without closing the spline) and start drawing new spline
    - exit(without closing) and start drawing new attached spline
    - exit
    When the script is started you can press the RMB and to select Start Attached Spline to start drawing spline that is automatically attached to the selected spline.

    - You can enter "u" (without the quotes) to delete the last created knot. Works the same way as Alt+LMB click.

    - You can execute any hotkey that not contains Ctrl. Shift or Alt key. To do this hold down the middle mouse button and press the desired keys.

    - -FROM command - allows you to enter temporary reference or base point from which you can specify an offset to locate the next point. When the FROM command is active click in the viewport to set the base point or enter the base point coordinates (absolute or relative) using the keyboard. A marker will show the coordinates of the base point. Now you can use the keyboard to:
    - enter the offset location from the base point as a relative coordinate
    - move the cursor in the desired direction and enter the distance on which the new point will be created away from the base point
    - create segment with desired length rotated along the X axis or along the line from the last knot and the base point.
    Delta X and Delta Y will be measured from the specified base point.
    FROM command not works when ARC drawing mode is active.

    Download the updated manual from here.

    [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i0NVw2J1do"]Video demonstration[/ame].
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Polyline is updated to version 1.3.

    Now you to create the next point at desired distance in X or Y axis rotated at arbitrary angle. This way you will not enter the length of the segment, but the distance that the point will be moved in X or Y axis. For example if you want to use the command line and to create the next point at distance 50 units away in the X axis, rotated at 30 deg enter in command line:

    [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNPPEWEyyGA&quot;]Video demonstration[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Polyline is updated to version 1.4.
    New command is added - Mid Between 2 Points. This command allows you to create the next point(knot) in the middle between two points. To run the command enter m2p in the Command Line or in the Dynamic Input field. Then click or use the keyboard to specify the first and the second point. The next point will be created in the middle between the two points.

    [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWfQ75zkJBU&quot;]Video demonstration[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Polyline version 1.5.


    New commands added:

    CA - close and start attached spline
    CN - close and start new spline(not attached)
    CE - close and exit miauu's Polyline.
    VA - finish and start attached spline
    VN - finis and start new spline
    VE - finish and exit

    In the Settings you can choose which symbol to use as separator sign ,(comma) or /(backslash). When comma is used as decymal symbol by the OS, please use the backslash as separator sign.

    Pressing Esc key:
    When on focus is the field where you enter the Y coordinates you can go back to Dimensional Input field and edit its value by pressing the Escape key. Y coordinates input field will disappear and you can edit the value in the Dimensional Input field or can continue creating next segment of the spline.

    Fixed bug when drawing arcs
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14

    - added Object Snap Tracking (OTRACK) - read the manual for full description.

    - when FROM command is used holding down the SHIFT key goes to Ortho mode using the base point

    - Fixed a bug when ARC is drawed

    Updated manual
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