Hey All,
I recently ran into a problem when trying to bake a normal map in modo
I have baked a number of normal maps in modo. This is the first one that has given me an undesirable result.
I dont know what I did I must of hit some setting or something. but when baking now I am not getting the correct normal map color 128,128,255 as the flat color. it is giving me 189,188,255. Here are 2 examples, the pipe normal map is incorrect and the corrugated metal is correct.
Any thoughts on why is it doing that now?

You'll need to set the color dodge of the normal map to linear.
You should be able to select the texture then set it's color space in the Image Still properties.
The colour space of images is set by the bit depth of the image, rather than it's use. So 8bit images will be set to sRGB space by default, 16bit+ images to linear. But really you want normal maps to be linear, too.
But if you're baking directly to a texture (as you do with normal maps) it has to be applied at source.