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Futuristic Pistol

polycounter lvl 5
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DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
Hello again Polycount!

Project Summary:

For this project I will be creating a sci fi weapon based on a concept to add to my portfolio. This project is intended to help improve my modeling, high poly modelling workflow and texturing skill.
Special thanks to Blazej Kaczmarek (Blaizoid) for giving his consent to use his concept as seen below.

Problems encountered:

A huge problem (and why I chose this concept in particular) is creating a high poly model with shapes that don't lend itself well to allow consistent flowing topology. In the past I would creating my high poly by adding edge loops to define edges. However this would sometimes effect areas further down where I wouldn't want to define a harder edge when sub d smoothing. Sliding the edge in the area would help in some occasions but not all.


My new approach to high poly sub d modelling is to crease edges while previewing the smoothed model. This allows me to define the shape and sharpen edges only where I want them to be while keeping other areas smoothed and rounded. When happy, I would copy the model and smooth it with a division level of 2. This gives me the extra edges to slide to define my edges and bevels while still maintaining the shape as it was from the smooth. As I work I remove the creased edges to see how the geo look when supported by the new loops. The good thing about this is it gets around areas where I might have needed to use triangles.

Current Progress:

So far I have created the high poly model and sub divided it while keeping a copy before the smooth.

Please leave comment and feedback on either my current progress or my workflow. I will be updating this frequently so stay tuned!


  • gloriousczar
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    gloriousczar polycounter lvl 6
    Looks pretty faithful to the concept. Your edges are too tight for baking though, check this out. The paneling cuts that run along the body of the gun look too small compared to the concept. I would increase the size of them so they catch more light. Also I see two areas where they are rounded in the concept, but you modeled them at a 45 degree angle instead.

  • DKeymer3d
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    DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
    Hey again! Sorry for the late update. Here are some new shots.

    Edits include:
    Increase in loops to soften edges more.
    I made changes to the size and positioning of the handle, trigger and blade. The way they were lined up to match the concept made the gun look very unbalanced and top heavy. I think these change makes it more realistic to hold.
    I removed the indent in the side of the gun as it was not translating well and caused more problems than it was worth.
    I felt the top front of the gun looked flat end empty. I have added a cut in and plan to add a emblem in the centre when i come to texturing. I did consider adding a vent or light but ending up questioning how that would make sense with the guns suggested functionality. I am happy with the way it is right now but if anyone has any ideas or crits to push this further please leave feedback.
    Next step for me is creating the low poly and cage mesh.
  • DKeymer3d
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    DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
    Feel free to critique and leave feedback of any sort. Every little helps.
  • DKeymer3d
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    DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
    Here with another update. I've made some minor changes to the high poly and now created the low poly.

    Low Poly - 5960 Tris 3135 Polygons


    High Poly


    As always, feel free to leave feedback or comment on my progress.
  • Zelfit
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    Zelfit polycounter lvl 8
    I think you misunderstood the form. Whole top part is cylindrical, but you made it 4 sided.
  • DKeymer3d
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    DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
    @ Zelfit:
    Fair point. One of the hardest parts of the project has been interpreting depth and angles from the concept, especially in dark areas. This is partly due to it being a b/w image.
    This shouldn't be too hard to fix. I'll post an update with this change to see how it compares.
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